Slo-Pitch League Listings
Updated March 1, A directory of slo-pitch leagues (see below) in the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario Canada - GTA Toronto to Hamilton to Niagara and Scarborough to Ajax to Oshawa, including Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Markham, Scarborough, Niagara, Acton, Agincourt, Ajax, Albion, Alliston, Ancaster, Aurora, Barrie, Bolton, Bowmanville, Bradford, Brookville, Burlington, Caledon, Clarington, Cobourg, Courtice, Durham, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, King City, Kitchener-Waterloo, Lindsay, Malton, Maple, Milton, North York, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Pickering, Richmond Hill, Tottenham, Vaughan, Waterloo, Wentworth, Whitby and Woodbridge.

To add your slo-pitch league to this page or to update information, please contact Randy Warren,
Because of the large number of contacts, it is impossible to guarantee that all information is current.
212 slo-pitch leagues listed from Oshawa to Niagara.

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments 2025
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4
Coed (6M-4F) D, E, F • Mens D, E • Mens Masters 50+, 60+
• Mens D & E, Coed D, Coed E-1 get minimum 4 scheduled games.• 2nd place prize almost ALL divisions!

NEW Association: NSA
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
Parks: Mississauga-Etobicoke • Entry Fee $400

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments
Tournament Flyer
Tournament Info 2025
Tournament Parks/Map • Tournament Rules PDF • Tournament F.A.Q.
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: • Cell 416-930-6124
Tournament Parks/Map • Tournament Rules PDF • Tournament F.A.Q.
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: • Cell 416-930-6124
Team Rep Appreciation Gift & Appreciation Draw For New Bat! • 2nd Place Prizes!

RSPA Open Practice for New Players 2025

Updated February 5, 2025
RSPA Coed Slo-Pitch League (7M-3F) holds open practices for new players trying to find a
COED team or a MENS MASTERS 50+ REC/INT team in Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• RSPA Coed plays 7M-3F, Monday to Friday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke, all levels F to D (maybe C).
• RSPA plays Mens Masters 50+ Rec/Int on Wednesday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• Email if you wish to attend the new player practice.
(Coed teams usually looking for females, couples and high level males ONLY).
Can almost guarantee spots for female players.
2025 Sunday morning practices are Sunday morning 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (weather permitting)
• Sunday, April 13 • Sunday, April 20 • Sunday, April 27 • Sunday, May 4.
2025 Thursday night practices are Thursday night 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (weather permitting)
• Thursday, April 17 • Thursday, April 24 • Thursday, May 1.
• Check the RSPA Open Practice Info
RSPA Coed Slo-Pitch League (7M-3F) holds open practices for new players trying to find a
COED team or a MENS MASTERS 50+ REC/INT team in Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• RSPA Coed plays 7M-3F, Monday to Friday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke, all levels F to D (maybe C).
• RSPA plays Mens Masters 50+ Rec/Int on Wednesday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• Email if you wish to attend the new player practice.
(Coed teams usually looking for females, couples and high level males ONLY).
Can almost guarantee spots for female players.
2025 Sunday morning practices are Sunday morning 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (weather permitting)
• Sunday, April 13 • Sunday, April 20 • Sunday, April 27 • Sunday, May 4.
2025 Thursday night practices are Thursday night 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (weather permitting)
• Thursday, April 17 • Thursday, April 24 • Thursday, May 1.
• Check the RSPA Open Practice Info
DO NOT CALL. I will try to answer emails as expediently as possible.

NSA/RSPA Slo-Pitch Umpire Clinic April 30, 2025
Updated February 4, 2025
NSA Umpire Information: TBA
NSA Umpire Exam - 2025
NSA Rule Book - 2025
NSA Umpire Manuals
NSA Umpire Incident Report Form
RSPA Umpire Information:
RSPA Parks and Maps
RSPA Park-Night Preference Form
RSPA umpire clinic scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 6:30 pm
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.
You will become a fully sanctioned NSA umpire, eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament in Canada.
Cost for umpire carding and accreditation is FREE FOR 2025 for RSPA umpires (must buy hat).
The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.
If you attend the RSPA umpire clinic, we will guarantee umpire bookings of at least your RSPA clinic cost
(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).
RSPA is an adult recreational, coed league, with parks in Mississauga-Etobicoke,
Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.
RSPA 2025 NEW umpire rates:
• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.

The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.

(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).

Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.

• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
Get out, get some exercise, have some fun and earn some extra cash.
Anyone wishing to become a carded umpire should contact the League.

Slo-Pitch Leagues - Alphabetical List by League
Updated April 22, 2024Because of the large number of contacts, it is impossible to guarantee that all contacts are current.
215 slo-pitch leagues listed from Oshawa to Niagara.
All league listings/information is dependent/affected by the Covid situation.
Abbey-Oaks Slo-Pitch League - Oakville
Mens 30+; 8 teams; open draft; Glen Ashton Park; Sunday plus Tuesday or Thursday; SPN;; President: Dan Sanscartier e-mail
League is full and only has room for "spares".
Acton 3 Pitch League Not sure if it is running
Acton; mens & coed; 19 years and older; 20 teams; NSA;
Contact: Josh Petch e-mail ; No response to email.
Adams Park/North Scarborough Slo-Pitch League XXX
Recreational Adult Mixed (Fun League); 8M + 2F (min); 12 Teams;
Wednesday Nights; 16 games; Adams Park #1 & #2 (Port Union & 401);
League not in operation
Advertising Softball League - Toronto - NO INFO AVAILABLE
Ajax Mens Slo-Pitch Association - AMSPA
Ajax; Ajax Sportsplex, sometimes Miller Diamonds; e-mail ; web site: ; SPOA.
Ajax Senior Mens Slo-Pitch League - ASMSPL
No contact information found.
Ajax, Mens 45+, Mondays, Miller Creek Fields, Contact: George Browes; SPOA
Ajax Womens Slo-Pitch Association - AWSA
Ajax; 18 teams, Monday nights at Ajax Sportsplex & Whitby Iroquois Park; SPN;
e-mail; - web site not working - FaceBook page
Albion Hillbillies Slo-Pitch - No longer in operation
Mens Masters 35+; Play baseball at Ted Houston Park, Tue 8:30pm.
Aldershot Community Recreation Association - Burlington
3-Pitch Slo-Pitch Softball; contact Sharon Carosi e-mail;
Alderwood Slo-Pitch League - Etobicoke
Coed, 18+, Sunday, Etobicoke Valley Park; SPN. - web site
Alliston Ladies Slo-Pitch League
14 teams, Parks - Doner, Gibson, McLean, Peterman; SPN.
web site ; Samantha VanDorp 705-734-6749 Alliston Ladies Slo-Pitch
Alliston Masters Slo-Pitch League - Alliston
Mens 35+, Tue and Thu evenings, McLean Field * Beside Alliston Fire Station, Keith Townsend e-mail
Alliston Mens Slo-Pitch League - Alliston
Alliston mens; diamonds - Coventry, Doner, Peterman, Beeton; Contact Colin Sirr e-mail;
Alliston Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Alliston
e-mail; web site
Allstream Softball League
10 teams; President: Thomas Ryan.
No information found.
Alton Mixed 3-Pitch League - Caledon
Co-ed adult 3-pitch baseball league; Alton Ball Park, Station Street, Sunday, 11:00 am, Shelley Courts
No information found.
Amesbury Recreational Coed Slo-Pitch League - ARCSL
Coed 7M-3F, Monday thru Thursday, Keele/Lawrence area, North York; NSA.
Contact: Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site
Amesbury Sports Club - No longer in operation
Co-ed adult softball league; Toronto.
Ancaster Ladies 3-Pitch League
3-Pitch league, at the new Community Centre. Must be 25+ and "have a good sense of humour", e-mail -- web site
Ancaster Mens Slo-Pitch League
Mens 19+; 10 teams; Games Thursday nights & Sunday mornings; SPOA;
Ancaster Community Centre; Contact: Derek Rasian, President e-mail; web site:
Ancaster Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Mixed league Friday evenings at Ancaster Community Centre (behind Morgan Firestone Arena) 385 Jerseyville Road West;
also Turner Park – when needed; 6-8 teams; e-mail; web site:
Ancaster Veterans Slo-Pitch
Mens Masters 45+; 12 teams; games Sunday evening at Ancaster Community Centre, Jerseyville Road or by Copetown Arena
Contact: Don Pente e-mail; web site: web site
Angus Slo-Pitch League
7 Mens teams; 4 Coed teams; Angus Community Ball Park; NSA;
Contact Todd Hunter e-mail; web site
Aurora Indoor Slo-Pitch League - AISL
Coed 6M-4F, Saturday 5:00 pm - 1:00 am.
Mens Friday nights 11:00pm - 2:00am & Mens Sunday afternoons - 12:00pm - 4:00pm. NSA.
Aurora Sports Dome, 115 Industrial Pkwy N, Aurora, ON L4G 4C4.
Contact: Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site
Aurora Ladies Slo-Pitch League
Aurora - Contact: Miana Pederson; 905-989-1869
Aurora Ladies Softball League (Fastpitch)
Fastball played at Aurora Town Park.
Aurora Mens Slo-Pitch League
Aurora - Contact: Rob Fairs e-mail; web site
Aurora Mens Weeknight Slo-Pitch League - AMWSL
Mens Monday thru Thursday nights, 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm.
Optimist Park, James Lloyd Park and Norm Weller Park
Contact: Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site
Aurora Mixed Slo Pitch League
Coed 6M-4F; Teams and Individuals welcome; Rec & Inter divisions; SPN;
Contact: Judy Robar e-mail -- web site
Aurora Mixed Slo Pitch League - Sunday Division
Coed 6M-4F; 9 inning games, no long weekends, all games at Class A fields in Aurora;
Teams and Individuals welcome; SPN; Contact: Judy Robar e-mail
Average Joe Sports Club
Coed 3-Pitch, 6M-3F; Mississauga, Milton, Burlington, Oakville and Hamilton areas;
Spring season 7 weeks plus playoffs;
Barrie District Ladies Slo-Pitch League
Barrie; Ladies Slo-Pitch; SPN; 16 teams in 3 divisions; play Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights
MacMorrison Park in Barrie, also play Tuesday nights at the Barrie Sports Complex in Midhurst;
Contact Vicki e-mail --
Barrie Mens Slo-Pitch League
Barrie; offer 3 divisions plus Masters and a Co-ed division; SPOA;
games Monday to Thursday 7:00-9:30pm at the Barrie Sports Complex;
President: Marc Ladouceur e-mail ;
Barrie Recreational Evening Co-ed Slo-Pitch - BRECS
Coed (5M-5F) Slo-Pitch; 12 teams play Tuesday nights; 12 teams play Thursday nights; Barrie Sports Complex; SPN.
Contact Al Panting e-mail; Website
Barrie Slo-Pitch Association
Barrie; Co-ed 6M+4F; Sunday nights; Georgian diamonds; NSA;
Contact: Greg MacDonald e-mail ;
Barrie Winter Indoor Domeball Slo-Pitch League
Coed, Women’s, Men’s – Wed nights, Saturday & Sunday nights in Barrie at the Barrie Sports Dome – 99 Hanmer St W, Barrie
League starts every October till April – 2 sessions – during the winter months.
Contact: Bonnie Branch e-mail
Beaches Mens Slo-Pitch League
Toronto Beaches - Contact: Greg Hale - e-mail ;;
Mens slo-pitch; Oldest league in Toronto. Started in 1921; 60 Mens Teams; SPN.
Beaches Pub League
Toronto Beaches - Contact: Greg Hale e-mail ;;
Mens, Womens & Coed slo-pitch, over 90 teams; 5 levels of play; SPN.
Beeton Mens Slo Pitch League
NO INFO. Contact: Chris Aldred
Beeton Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Coed 30+/35+; 6 teams; e-mail ;
Benny Baseball League
Contact: Rainer Dimmers, President e-mail; Adult rec; coed; open draft; 8 teams; SPN;
east Toronto; Warden Woods Public School;;
Berrisfield Softball League - Hamilton - See Bobby Kerr League
Beverly Mixed Baseball League
Mixed Baseball (3-Pitch) League for both men and women in Flamborough
Contact: Paul Aicken 905-628-2536
Black Swan Slo-Pitch League
Stephanie Legge; SPOA
Bloordale Baseball Association
Toronto - Men's and Ladies slo-pitch leagues as well as girls fastpitch and boys baseball ; e-mail
Bobby Kerr Softball League - Hamilton (formerly Berrisfield)
Bobby Kerr Park in Hamilton; Contact through Facebook page.
Bolton Ladies 3-Pitch/Slo-Pitch
Non-competitive baseball and softball for women. Ted Houston Park, Bolton Sunday 8:30 pm;
Contact: Kim Hennick, President, e-mail;
Bordertown Slo-Pitch League - Mississauga
Contact: Adonis Lopez; e-mail; web site:; SPN;
18 teams; Fleetwood, Dunton, Streetsville Memorial & River Grove Park; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday;
Bradford Domeball League
Coed 7M-3F; Saturday 11:30am till 8:30pm; Mens & Ladies Sundays Daytime Games; Bradford Sports Dome; NSA.
Contact: Ryan Wood e-mail; web site:
Bradford Friday Night League
Coed arc ball; Contact Mike Vanwensem e-mail;
Bradford Legion Slo-Pitch League
See Bradford Mens Slo-Pitch League
Bradford Mens Slo-Pitch League
Mens 18+; Teams or Individual Players Welcome; Tuesday or Wednesday evenings Joe Magani Park located on the 11th Line; SPOA
Contact Darren Long, President e-mail; web site:
Bradford Sluggers Slo-Pitch League
Coed 30+; 18+ teams; Sunday afternoons; Joe Magani Park located on the 11th Line just north of Bradford;
Contact e-mail; web site: web site; SPOA;
Bradford Sunday Morning 3 Pitch
Sunday Morning 3 Pitch; Contact Mike Vanwensem e-mail;
Bramalea Ladies Over 30 League
Brampton; Recreational, 3-pitch; Sunday mornings at 9:00 am;
Contact: Leslie Rose 905-791-8288
Brampton Bar & Restaurant Co-ed Softball League - No longer in operation
Was Sunday mornings at Duggan Park on Vodden Road; 6 teams.
Brampton Boomers Slo-Pitch League
Brampton; Coed with mens 50+ and ladies 45+; 4 teams by draft; web site - not in service; e-mail;
Tuesdays at 6:30 at Sesquia diamonds
Brampton Heart Lake Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Coed 6M-4F; 8-10 teams; ran with 6 teams in 2021; e-mail ; web site ;
Parks: Keith Dunn (Richvale); & Conservation Yellow;
Brampton MADOC Softball League - BMSL
Brampton; mixed recreational adult league; modified slo-pitch; Wednesday nights at Sesqui-Centennial Park;; e-mail;
Brampton Mixed Masters Slo-Pitch League
Brampton; mixed recreational adult league; Thursday nights;
12 teams; SPOA; Park: Sesquia Diamonds – Bramalea Rd./Countryside;; Contact: Betty Currie e-mail;
Brampton Oldtimers 3 Pitch League
Sunday mornings at Conservation Park on Conservation Drive; 12 teams just for recreation & fun;
Contacts: Terry Pettican Or Clay Bishop e-mail ;; SPOA
Brampton Recreation Mixed Slo-Pitch Association
Monday nights; 19+; Round robin tournament weekend. Finals on the Monday night.
Bramslammers Coed Modified Slo-Pitch League - Brampton
Monday nights; 18 teams; SPOA; modified slo-pitch; 12 defensive players;
Parks: Blue Oak, Carabram Park, Conservation Park, Duggan Park, Sesqui Centennial Park.
Contact: League President - David J O'Neill ; --;
Brant County Mens Slo Pitch League - Brantford
Brantford; 10 teams; Contact: Andrew Rawls e-mail; Web site:;
Brookville Masters Slo-Pitch League
Mens masters 30+; 5 teams; President: Stuart Hewton; Web site: web site
Brotherhood Softball League
Mens, 8 teams, Sunday afternoon, Birchwood Park, Mississauga
President: Jason Crowley; Contact: John Beaudette
Web site:
Burlington Ladies Slo-Pitch Association
Burlington; Recreational Ladies Adult; Wednesday nights at LaSalle or Aldershot parks
8 teams; Contact: Carrie Janisse e-mail; web site
Burlington Major Slo-Pitch League
Burlington/Oakville; Mens 35+ E level; 14 teams;
Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings at Sherwood Forest Park, occasional Friday;
Contact: Farhan Shah e-mail;
Burlington Mens Open 3-Pitch League
Burlington; Mens Masters 30+; 8 teams; competitive but friendly league; Sunday mornings, never on long weekends
Contacts: Greg Brown, President, 905-336-3008 --- Wayne Crook, 905-319-0686
Burlington Men's Slo-Pitch League
Burlington; Mens Men's 30+, 3 divisions, 26 teams; games are played Monday through Thursday; no weekend games; SPO
Contact Mike Marshall e-mail; web site
Burlington Mixed Industrial Three Pitch League
Burlington; three-pitch league since 1985; 20 teams; Parks - Leighland, Skyway, Brant Hills, Breckon;
Contact Farhan Shah e-mail;
Burlington Mixed Softball League
Burlington; Coed Masters 30+; 4 teams; non-competitive three-pitch league;
Tue 6:30 pm at Leighland Park; (not accepting teams at this time)
Burlington Oldtimers Slo-Pitch League
Mens Masters 35+; 16 teams; Draft every year; Tuesday & Thursday nights;
Parks - Millcroft, Nelson, Sherwood, Brant; Burlington; --; SPOA
Cabbagetown Group Softball League - CGSL
22 teams in 4 divisions; McCleary Park on Lakeshore Blvd;
Contact Ken Tedford, Commissioner -- web site:;
Caledon East Softball Association
Coed and Ladies three pitch league; Mens fast-pitch; President: Mary Shaw
web site
Caledon Mens Recreational Softball League
Orthodox (modified) pitching; 8 teams; - e-mail;
Cawthra Mens Slo-Pitch League
no info available; NSA.
Canadian Macedonian Softball League
ethnocultural softball league; SPOA - Contact: Vicki Bakalovski
web site - not found
Cedar Hill Softball Association - Scarborough
Cedar Hill Softball Association is no longer active.
Centennial Ladies Slo-Pitch League - NO LONGER ACTIVE
Centennial Slo-Pitch League - CSPL
Etobicoke - Contact: Tricia Harrow-Rodic e-mail; web site:
Mens. Mens Masters and Coed divisions; over 100 teams playing in Mens and Coed divisions.
Central Park Mixed Slo-Pitch League - CPMSPL - Brampton
Brampton; Duggan Park; Coed 19+; Monday nights;
Contact David Fennell e-mail
Chinese Christian Softball Association - CCSA
Toronto; Coed; Christian; E-mail: e-mail;
Chippawa Mens and Coed Slo-Pitch
Niagara Region; A mens league of 14 teams and a coed league of 12 teams for slo-pitch baseball.
Contact Gary Beaupit; web site
Co-Ed Slo-Pitch 94 - Oshawa
Oshawa - Lakefront; Coed; 19+; Friday nights; e-mail; web site
Combat Indoor Winter League - Etobicoke
Contact Wayne Barr: e-mail ; Coed (7M-3F); Friday nights
Corvette Softball Association - Scarborough
Contact (Adult): Larry Wainman: e-mail ; new web site:
8 team coed REC league - Monday nights - Corvette Park, Scarborough - limited space
Crabby Joe's Slo-Pitch League - Newmarket
Coed 7M-3F; 6 teams; Friday nights 7-11 at Art Ferguson Diamond in Newmarket; NSA
Contact Disha Rawlley e-mail
Don Victoria Softball League - Don Mills
Adult co-ed slo-pitch division (7-8 teams). April to the end of June in the Don Mills area; ; Contact: Shannon Brooks e-mail
Double Diamond Slo-Pitch League - DDSPL - Richmond Hill
Contact: Lisa McCarthy; e-mail ;
Friday night adult co-ed slo-pitch; Richmond Green (Richmond Hill); SPN Affiliated;
Dundas Womens Softball Association - DWSA (Fastpitch)
Fastpitch; Womens; web site; e-mail
Durham Co-ed Slo-Pitch Association (formerly Durham Co-op Baseball)
Tina McKay e-mail ; Sunday afternoons; SPOA; web site:
Durham Region Mixed 3 Pitch
Erin Taylor-Rennie ; SPOA
Durham Regional Slo-Pitch Association Inc.
Durham region; 100 teams; Mens, Ladies and Coed; NSA; e-mail; web site:
East Gwillimbury Amateur Ladies Softball E.G.A.L.S.
Womens fastpitch 18+, Queensville Diamond on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Looking for new players for 2019 season.
Contact: President: Meghan Grech e-mail; web site:
East Gwillimbury Mixed Slow Pitch League
Sunday fun league, currently with 24 teams play in Queensville, Mount Albert and Sharon; SPOA. e-mail; web site
East Gwillimbury Rec. Coed Slo-Pitch League
Coed, 6M-4F format; Monday thru Thursday; NSA.
Contact: Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site
East Hamilton Slo-Pitch League
30 teams; Mens Sun to Wed nights, Coed Mon to Fri nights, Fall Ball.
Contact: Rob Bortolotti e-mail; web site
East York Mens Slo-Pitch League
Contact: Mohawk (Paul Codd); e-mail; alternate e-mail;
Sunday day time; Topham Park 1 & 2; Dentonia Park;
East York Mixed Slo-Pitch League XXX
Peter Harrie ; SPOA
EastMount Park Softball - Hamilton
Mike Trafford, President e-mail ; new web site - ;
Erin Mills Mens Slo-Pitch - Mississauga
12 teams; mens 25+; Parks: Jannock, Streetsville Memorial, Brickyard; SPN;
Daryn Thompson e-mail ; ;
Esna Park League
Markham - Ron Claughton; SPOA
Etobicoke Senior Slo-Pitch 55+
Looking for players male or female 55 years or older;
We play on Monday and Wednesday's at 9:30 am at Dunton Park in Mississauga;
For info e-mail Diane De Souza e-mail or Gregg Macaulay e-mail
Extreme Slo-Pitch League - Brampton
see Brampton Extreme Slo-Pitch League - Mens; Ladies; Coed;; e-mail; SPN
Parks: Powerade, Sesqui; South Fletchers; Drinkwater; Carabram; Blue Oak; Duggan Park;
Family Slow Pitch League
East Scarborough Minor Softball Association. All ages from adult (with or without their children) to university to boys & girls in the Pee Wee, Novice, Bantam and Midget Divisions are invited to play along with or without their parents, in a recreational mixed slow pitch league. Softball ability is not a requirement, having a good time is!
Monday nights at Adams Park; 6:45 p.m.
For further information, contact Kevin Mercer at e-mail
Flamborough Mens Slo Pitch League
12 team slo-pitch league for men over 35 years old. You must live in Flamborough to join;
Gage Park Softball Association - GPSA - Hamilton
Gage Park, Hamilton; ages 4-18 only; web site
Contact Lisa Taylor - e-mail
Georgetown Ladies PowderPuff League
Fastpitch: 6 teams; 3 Pitch: 10 teams; Parks: Dump; Fairgrounds; Glen Williams; Hornby; Limehouse; Seniors Citizen;
President: Sue Subject e-mail ; -- web site
Georgetown Slo-Pitch League - GSPL
Georgetown - e-mail
Glen Abbey Ladies Slo-Pitch League - Oakville; -- e-mail; -- 8 teams; Sixteen Hollow Park; Oakville; SPN;
Glen Abbey Slo-Pitch League - Oakville
Mens, Coed; most games at Glen Ashton Park Sunday/Monday evenings; SPN.; -- e-mail
Goldhawke Softball - Scarborough
Contact: Joe Aguano
Goulding Park Slo-Pitch League
Sunday night co-ed slo-pitch league, 10 teams, SPO.; -,
Gourley Park Community Association - Hamilton
Contact Randy Chapple email; - Web Site:
Graphic Arts Mixed Slo Pitch League - Mississauga
Guelph Coed Slo-Pitch League
Guelph; coed; 6M-4F; 8 teams and growing; Exhibition Park; NSA;
Contact: Louise and Mike; -
Web Site:
Guelph Men's Recreational Slo-Pitch League
Guelph; Mens Masters 35+ (was 30+); 32 teams; Tuesday-Thursday;
Contact: Tom Curtis, President e-mail; Web Site:
Guelph Township Coed Slo-Pitch League (GTCSPL)
Guelph; coed; 42 teams, 5 divisions (Monday-Thursday), SPOA;
Contact: Bruce Collett e-mail; --
Guildwood Softball Association - Scarborough
Registrar: Brian Dion; e-mail;
Halton Amateur Slow Pitch Association (HASPA)
Burlington; Mens only, Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, SPOA Sherwood Forest Park diamonds, Burlington.
Contact: Steve Romachyk e-mail ;
Halton Hills Men's Modified Slo-pitch League
12 teams; Sunday mornings at Gellert Park in Georgetown; -- web site --
Contact: President Bob Dezeeuw e-mail -- e-mail; -- VP Kevin Humeniski e-mail -- scheduler Randy Schaefer e-mail
Hamilton Central Slo-Pitch League - HCSPL ;
Hamilton Ladies Slo-Pitch Softball Assn - HLSSA
Ladies & Coed; Contact: Maureen Truman e-mail ;
Hamilton Slo-Pitch League
Coed Sunday 10am-4pm at Turner Park, Red Hill Bowl, Eastdale Park, Stoneywood Park, up to 30 teams;
Contact Roy West e-mail -- web site ;
Heart Lake Mixed Slo-Pitch League - see Brampton Heart Lake League
Heartland Slo-Pitch League - Mississauga
Bay Chin; SPOA
HGH Softball League
8 teams; Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu; L'Amoreaux Park; e-mail ; web site
Humber Valley 3 Pitch - Toronto
Ray Thompson; SPOA
Ian Scott Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Mississauga
Contact: Dan e-mail Sunday Night; Coed 6M + 4F;
6 teams; Martin Dobkin Park; Garnetwood; SPN
Huntington Co-Ed Slo-Pitch League
Thursday Nights at Huntington Park, Coed 7M-3F, SPN.
Contact: Adrian Yam e-mail
IBM Slo-pitch League - Markham
Coed 7M-3F; Markham; Cedar Grove and Victoria Square on Tuesdays at 6:30 or 8pm;
Contact Ivan Barron e-mail ; web site
Inter Church Softball League
3-pitch; coed 7M-3F; Brampton & Mississauga parks;
Contact Rosemarie Best e-mail ;
JCI Toronto Softball League
Junior Chamber International Toronto; Location: Coronation Park, Toronto;
Contact: Hatem Belhi, e-mail ; website ; Coronation Park;
J-Sport Softball League - Toronto
Coed, Mon, Wed, Thursday; June Rowlands Park, Davisville and Mt. Pleasant, Toronto; ;
Keswick Ladies Slo-Pitch League - Keswick
8 teams; games are played at The ROC on Tuesdays and West Park on Wednesdays; Keswick;;;;
King City Mens Slo-Pitch League
George W. Logue e-mail web site - not found; ; SPOA
K-W Christian Mens SloPitch League - Kitchener
K-W Mens SloPitch League - Kitchener
Mens 25+; Kitchener-Waterloo; 21 teams; NSA; e-mail ; web site
Kitchener-Waterloo Oldtimers SloPitch League
Mens 40+; Kitchener-Waterloo; 10 teams; games are played in Kitchener and Bloomingdale,
Monday to Thursday; SPOA; e-mail ;
Kitchener-Waterloo Tri-Star Ball League
Co-ed; min 3 girls; Wed nights at Bridgeport Rod and Gun Club; 18 game season plus tournament weekend;
non-profit league, Umps, Insurance, and good caliber ball.
League is FULL and is not accepting teams or players.
Laurel & Hardy Slo-Pitch League
8 teams; SPN; e-mail; web site; Facebook;
Lindsay Slo-Pitch League
Lindsay, Ontario - 8 team mens league; games Tue & Thur at Wilson Fields;
SPN registered; e-mail
MACS Slo-Pitch / Markham Adult Coed Softball
Coed 7M-3F; Sundays at Milliken Mills Park, diamonds #4 & #5, Crosby Park and Randall Park; SPN.
Contact: Chris Cline, President email ; web site;
Maple Mens Slo-Pitch League - Maple
see Vaughn Slo-Pitch League
Markham Business Baseball League
Coed 5M+5F; NSA; 3-pitch for men; 4-pitch for women; 30 teams; 4 divisions;
PARKS: Highgate; Randall; Denison; Centennial North Park and Milliken Mills; Nights - Monday through Thursday; ;;
Markham Mens Slo-Pitch League - MMSPL - Markham
Markham's oldest men's softball league established since 1968. 25+ semi-competitive league, 16 teams, 30 regular season games played, Tuesday and Thursday evenings with the odd Sunday games, played in Markham at Mintleaf Park and Centennial Park. Looking for new players. Charity tournament in June, end of year tournament in September and an Invitational golf tournament in September.
email: ; web site:;
Markham Old-Timers Recreational Slo-Pitch League - MORSL
Recreational league for men 35+, Sunday & Wednesday evenings at Markham Centennial Park;
12 teams; Parks: Centennial North; Centennial South; Vic Square North; Vic Square South; Mintleaf; NSA;
e-mail: ; web site:
Markham South Mens Slo-Pitch - XXX
Markham Womens Slo-Pitch League (MWSL)
Womens 25+; 8 teams; Beginner to Babe Ruth, teams balanced,
Friday nights; Parks - Morgan; Mint Leaf; Victoria Square North; -- e-mail
Maryvale Softball Association - Scarborough
Chairman: Claire Long; e-mail ;
Meadowvale Slo-Pitch Association (East End - Scarborough/Markham)
6 teams; Masters for men 35 years and older from Scarborough, Meadowvale, Pickering and the surrounding areas; SPN; Monday-Tuesday; Adams Park & Ken Morrish Complex.
Contact e-mail ; - - web site
Mega City Westenders - Etobicoke
Lynn Landers e-mail
Metro Toronto Sports League and Socials (MTS) - XXX
no longer in operation after the untimely death of its founder Sid Dorfman; those in the league lost a friend;
Milton Coed Slo-pitch League
Co-ed; 18+; 16 teams; Monday - Thursday nights; at Drumquin, Brookville, Lions & Omagh Parks; SPOA;
Contact: Melanie Wallhouse e-mail;
Milton Ladies Slo-pitch League
8 teams; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night; at Omagh Park;
Contact: Cindy Bennett e-mail; web site
Milton Mens Slo-pitch League
Mens 35+; 12 teams; Monday - Thursday nights; at Lions Sports Park;
Contact: Mike Lanois e-mail; web site
Milton Old Friends
6 teams; mens 50+; Sunday evenings at Drumquin Parks;
President: Mike Cochrane e-mail;
Milton Sports Club
Coed; modified; Sunday evenings at Drumquin Parks;
e-mail; web site
Mississauga Business Centre Slo Pitch League - NO LONGER RUNNING
Co-ed ( 7 men, 3 women); Mon/Tues nights; at Max Ward, Wildwood & Meadowvale Sports Park;
Mississauga Church Softball League - NO LONGER RUNNING
Mississauga Coed 3-Pitch League - NO LONGER RUNNING
Coed; 3 pitch; 8 teams; Tuesday night; River Grove; web site
Mississauga East Mixed Slo-Pitch Association -- NO LONGER RUNNING
Mississauga Industrial Mixed Slo-Pitch League
SEE - Mississauga Select Co-Ed Slo-Pitch League
Mississauga Ladies Slo-Pitch League - MLSPL
Mississauga - Contact: Nimrah Mirza, President, MLSPL -- e-mail ;
MLSPL offers Ladies Recreational, Ladies E and Ladies D;
Thursday nights; 30-32 game schedule, double headers each week.
Affiliated with SPN and the City of Mississauga.
Mississauga Mens Slo-Pitch League - MMSPL
John Palm e-mail; --; -- web site:;
Mississauga Mens Senior Slo-Pitch League
Mens Masters 30+; Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings; SPOA;
e-mail -- web site;
Mississauga Mixed Slo Pitch
see Mississauga Industrial Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Mississauga Mixed Recreational Slo-Pitch League - MMRSL
Mississauga; SPN; Co-ed D and Co-ed E; Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday;
Jude Fernandes e-mail;
Mississauga Slo-Pitch
Coed; 12 teams; NSA; Mississauga; Wayne Tippett e-mail; web site
Mississauga Restaurant Charity Slow Pitch League
see Peel Charity Slo-Pitch League
Mississauga Select Co-Ed Slo-Pitch League - NO LONGER RUNNING
Coed league; Recreational and Competitive teams; plays on Sunday evening (no long weekends);
Parks: Mount Charles; SPN; carded umpires; $1700/team.
Mutual Fund Slo-Pitch League
see "Toronto Mutual Fund Slo-Pitch League"
NFG - New Friday Guildwood Slo-Pitch League - Scarborough
Coed; 3 female min on the field; Friday nights; (No long weekend games );
Guildwood area of Scarborough; recreational; SPN;
Contact Chris Short at e-mail; -- ;
Newcastle Slo-Pitch League - Bowmanville
NSA; no info available;
Newmarket-Bayview Co-Ed Slow Pitch League
NewMarket; Co-ed; Sunday Morning/Afternoon double header games every Sunday; NSA;
Contact Geoffrey Gosselin e-mail ; web site;
Newmarket Co-Ed Slo-Pitch
Does not exist anymore - contact Angelo Mollo e-mail
New Tecumseth Mens Slo Pitch League
(formerly Alliston and District Mens Slo Pitch League); Ben Vandorp, President e-mail; Bryan Hanzel, Past President e-mail;
Niagara Rec Sports
Niagara Falls, Regency Athletic Resort - Coed Wed-Sunday; Mens Mon-Tue-Thursday; SPO;
St. Catharines Coed Monday-Tuesday; e-mail;
Niagara Regional Slo-Pitch
see Niagara Regional Mens; Niagara Regional Ladies & Niagara Regional Coed Slo-Pitch
Niagara Regional Mens Slo-Pitch League
President David Fair e-mail
Niagara Regional Ladies Slo-Pitch League - NLSPL
All games are played at Joe McCaffery Sports Park, St. Catharines;
Linda Camus e-mail
Dave Rosier - Niagara e-mail
Niagara Ladies Slo-Pitch League e-mail
Niagara Regional Coed Slo-Pitch League
Joe McCaffery Park; Friday nights; e-mail
Dave Rosier - Niagara e-mail ;
North Richmond Hill Mens Slo Pitch League
mens slopitch league which runs sundays 11 am - 6 pm; Contact Glen e-mail
Looking for one new team; individual players also accepted;
North Scarborough Slo Pitch League
Recreational Adult Mixed (Fun League); 8M + 2F (min); 12 Teams;
Wednesday Nights; 16 games; Adams Park #1 & #2 (Port Union & 401);
Contact: Mark Cleveland e-mail
North-West Scarborough Slo-Pitch League - NWSSL
New league accepting teams, groups and individuals; weeknights Monday thru Thursday, 7pm and 9pm games; NSA.
contact Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site:;
North York Corporate Slo-Pitch League
Coed 7M-3F; 4 teams; Wednesday nights at Center Park, North York;
Contact Ed Hyatt e-mail
North York Mens Slo-Pitch League
6 teams; Wigmore Park in Toronto, every Thursday evening;
not accepting new teams;
North York Slo-Pitch League
Brant Snow ; SPOA
North York Womens Slo-Pitch Recreational League
Tuesdays at Irving Paisley Park (York Mills Park - Bayview & York Mills); 8 teams;
Contact Connie Gray e-mail -- web site
Oak Ridges Coed Recreational Slo-Pitch League - ORCRSL
Oak Ridges/Richmond Hill/King City area; Sundays 3:00pm thru 8:30pm (no long weekend games); NSA;
contact Angelo Mollo e-mail; -- web site
Oakville Masters Mens Slo-Pitch League
Mens Masters 60+; Thursday mornings; web site
Oakville Mens Slo-Pitch League
8 teams; Glenashton Park, Oakville; Contact: Jym Grimshaw ; web site XXX
Oakville Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Oakville
12 team coed league; 7M-3F; weekends (mainly Sundays); Glenashton, Millbanks, and Palermo Parks; SPOA;
e-mail; --
Oakville Senior Slo-pitch League
Mens 69+, Tuesdays 10:00 am, Glen Ashton Parks, Ev Lucenti e-mail,
Oakville Three Pitch League - NOT OPERATING
Old Friends Softball League - OFSL
Old-Timer's Service Club League - Bowmanville
Bowmanville; Men's; 30+; Sunday morning double-headers;
Jeremy Arnott e-mail; web site ;
Ontario Regional Mens Slo-Pitch
Forrest Jones e-mail; SPOA
Orangeville Coed Slo-Pitch
e-mail; FaceBook.
Orangeville Ladies Slo Pitch League
Orangeville Slo-Pitch
Friday Night Coed; Mens Competitive; Mens Masters;
e-mail; web site; SPN
Original Scarborough Slo-Pitch League
Maria Springer 905-426-4941 - SPOA
Orillia Mens Slo Pitch League - Orillia
Orillia - SPN; web site e-mail
Oshawa Slo-Pitch League
formerly Oshawa Lob Ball League; Mens, Masters & Coed; SPOA;
Sunday nights at Lakefront West Park Diamonds, no long weekends; 18 game schedule;
web site:; e-mail ;
Peel Charity Slo-Pitch League - PCSPL
play at Dixie and Derry Roads, Sundays only;
Pickering Ladies Slow Pitch League
Recreational teams, 30 years and over; living in Pickering or Ajax;
Contact: Laura e-mail ;
Pickering Mens Slo-Pitch League
Pickering; Sundays; 56 teams in 6 divisions including masters; NSA;
Contact: League email: e-mail ; -- Kaus Chandroga, President: e-mail ; -- or Joe Dyce, Vice-President: e-mail; --
or the registrar at e-mail; -- web site: ;
Playball Slo-Pitch League of Etobicoke - not working
8 team Coed league from Etobicoke - no longer exists
Premier Slo-Pitch League - Brampton
Contact Tami Hore; - web site not up; league not in operation
Queen Street Baseball League - Toronto
(also known as West End Adult Softball League)
14 teams; Parks - MacGregor; Trinity Bellwoods; Sorauren;
Contact Steve McLean e-mail; -- web site
RSPA - Recreational Slo-Pitch Association
RSPA Recreational Slo-Pitch Association, going into its 35th season,
is an SPN affiliated, adult, recreational coed (7M + 3F) slo-pitch league
in the Etobicoke and Mississauga areas;
Coed D, E, F; -- Nights: Monday to Friday (team's choice of night)
190 teams for 2017; largest coed league in GTA;
looking for new teams and individual players for 2019 season; -- Contact: Randy Warren
Richmond Hill FridayNite Mens Slo-Pitch - RHFMSL
Friday evenings (no long weekend games); NSA; Parks: Leno Park,Crosby Park, and Headwaters Park;
Angelo Mollo e-mail; -- web site
Richmond Hill King City Mens Slopitch League - No longer in operation.
Sundays 10:00am – 11:45am and 1:30pm game start times; Angelo Mollo
Richmond Hill Ladies Slo-Pitch
Ladies 25+, open draft, Tuesday night play at Richmond Green Park; ; -- ; SPOA
Richmond Hill Mens 35+
Richmond Hill Mens Slo-Pitch - RHMSP
Paul Eden e-mail; SPOA
Richmond Hill Mixed Slo Pitch League - RHMSPL
Coed 6M + 4F; Monday-Thursday; Richmond Green Diamonds; 16 game schedule; NSA;
Contact: Steve Duthie, Convenor e-mail; or Bill Bonnell, Convenor e-mail; web site:
Richmond Hill Wed. Ladies
Janet Thomson 905-731-7981; SPOA
Richmond Hill Sunday Nite Mens Slopitch League (RHSMSL)
Sunday evenings 3pm to 8:30pm (no long weekend games); Harding Park and Crosby Park; NSA;
contact Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site:;
R.O.D.J. Slo-Pitch - Cambridge
Wednesday Night Ladies – 8 Teams; Friday Night Co-Ed – 24 Teams; Sunday Night Co-Ed – 24 Teams;
Convenor Ron Dickinson e-mail web site ; SPOA.
Royal Canadian Baseball Association - RCBA - Toronto
Downtown Toronto; 3 pitch softball; 8 teams; Parks: McCleary & Riverdale; Wednesday nights;
Commissioner: Jansen White e-mail
Not accepting new teams at this time
Royal City Men's SloPitch League - RCMSPL - Guelph
Guelph; 37 teams; 5 divisions; SPOA; Contact: Jon Hebden e-mail ;
Scarborough Bluffs Slo-Pitch Association
President: Ian Gray e-mail ;
Vice President: Steven Schlichtmann e-mail
Scarborough; Mens, coed; SPN affiliated
Scarborough City Slo-Pitch
S.C.S.P.L. has more than 40 teams of Men's, Men's Master's 40 & over and a Ladies division.
Games are played from Monday thru Thursday at various parks throughout Scarborough.
Darryl Owen - e-mail; NSA
Scarborough Classics Slo-Pitch Coed League
Play every Wednesday at Thompson Park; Min 4 Women on the Field; Teams or Players welcome to join; e-mail
Scarborough Mens Slo-Pitch League
Merged with Scarborough City Slo-Pitch League
Scarborough Men's Slo-Pitch League (SMSPL).
Tom Cauch - e-mail
Scarborough Mixed Restaurant Slo-Pitch League
Scarborough; mixed 7M-3F; Sunday afternoons at Thomson and Blantyre Park in Scarborough;
Greg Hale e-mail;
Scarborough Mixed Slo-Pitch Association
Malcolm Murchie e-mail; 12 teams; Coed 6M-4F; Tuesday nights; SPN;
Scarborough Seniors Slo-Pitch League; --
8 teams drafted; mens 55+; L'Amoreaux Sports Centre, located in Scarborough,
near the corner of Birchmount and Finch, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon;
Scarborough Softball Association (Scarborough,ON, Canada)
Dave Brooks, President;; -- web site
Scarborough Womens Slo-Pitch League
Contact: Angela Taylor, President e-mail; web site:
Ladies league, Scarborough, Tuesday at Malvern Park and Sunday nights at Neilson Park; 8 teams; SPN affiliate;
Scugog Fun Mixed Ball League
Port Perry, Lisa Kelly,
Scugog Men's Slo Pitch
Scugog, Darren Clark, e-mail
Scugog Mixed Ball Association
Port Perry, ON , Tom Armstrong,
Seven Oaks Softball Association - Scarborough
web site:
web site:
Sharon Ladies Slo-Pitch League
York Region, Sharon Arena (Woodbine and Mt. Albert Sdrd)
8 teams, Sundays 4:00-10:00 pm, 19 years+; e-mail
Sisterhood Softball
Sisterhood Softball is a community effort to develop the sport of Softball/Baseball while building sisterhood within the community.
Slammin' Indoor Slo-Pitch League - not in operation
South Scarborough Softball League (slo-pitch)
Coed 6M+4F - 30 teams Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays; SPOA.
Glamorgan (401 and Kennedy) and L'Amoreaux 4 (Kennedy and Steeles).
Contact: Daniel D'Alimonte e-mail -
Spike Slo-Pitch - Hamilton - see Hamilton Slo-Pitch League
St. Catharines Ladies Softball (Fastpitch)
Mary Murphy e-mail
St. George Old Masters Slo-Pitch League
Mens Masters 35+; St. George Ontario in the township of South Dumfries in Brant County;
Sunday mornings and Wed evenings at St. George Arena Diamonds and Harrisburg Diamond;
website:; -- League President: Doug Fulcher 519-448-4319; e-mail
Stoney Creek Mixed Adult Baseball Association - SCMABA
Coed 5M-5F; for over 45+ years; 6 team league;
Tuesday Nights at Eastdale Park & Winona Park in Stoney Creek;
7 inning games, double-header; 30 game schedule culminating with a playoff tournament after Labour day.
Contact: Walter Albano, President: e-mail
Stouffville FridayNite Mens Slo-Pitch League - SFMSL
New league accepting teams, groups and individuals; Friday evenings, 7pm and 9pm, 9 inning games; NSA.
contact Angelo Mollo e-mail; web site:;
Stroud Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Stroud/Innisfil
Coed; Stroud/Innisfil; 14 teams; SPOA;
Contact: Colin Halligan e-mail -- web site web site
Sunday Night Coed Slo-Pitch League - Barrie
Coed; Barrie Sports Complex in Midhurst on Sunday nights; SPN;
Contact: Bonnie Branch e-mail -- web site
Sunday Night Ladies Fun League - SNLFL - Oshawa
Oshawa; Ladies 21+; 12 teams; Modified; NSA;
Contact President Julie Andrews e-mail -- web site web site
Sunday Night Slo-Pitch League - Scarborough
Sunday Night Slo-Pitch is a mixed D & E league operating on Sunday nights in Scarborough.
The league is affiliated with Slo-Pitch National and the format is 4 females / 6 males.
e-mail ; Vedesh Maharaj e-mail
Web Site:
Thornhill Slo-Pitch League
e-mail ;
12 Mixed Teams Sunday nights; 8 Mens Teams Wednesday nights;
8 Masters Teams Tuesday nights, Friday nights; 4 Ladies Teams Wednesday nights;
Parks - Grandview, Bishops Cross, Huntington and Bayview Reservoir;
Topham Park Men's Slo-Pitch - East York
6 teams, over 30 league, out of Topham Park and Webster in the Borough of East York in Toronto;
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday nights; SPN; web site
Topham Park Metro Men's Slo-Pitch League - East York
Mens 18+, Topham Park, East York; Sundays 9:00 am to 3:00 pm; unlimited pitching arc; SPN.
Contact Dave O'Neil e-mail ; ;
Toronto Community Adult Slo-Pitch - NO LONGER RUNNING
Toronto Labatt Restaurant
Eldon DeRoche 416-530-2440; SPOA
Toronto Mutual Fund Softball League
Co-ed softball league for mutual fund companies located downtown Toronto;
Coronation Park; MacGregor Park; McCleary Park; Moss Park; Trinity-Bellwoods Park; SPOA
Contact: e-mail; --
Toronto Restaurant Slo-Pitch League
Coed; 3 Pitch; 13 teams; Coronation Park; Trinity Bellwoods Park; NSA;
Contact: e-mail;
Toronto Scarborough Mixed 3 Pitch League
David Blum 905-725-5983; SPOA
Toronto Sport & Social Club
Coed 3-Pitch, 6M-3F; downtown parks; Contact: e-mail; web site
Tottenham Ladies Lob-Ball League
a recreational slo-pitch league for women over 25 in the New Tecumseh area; SPN
New teams are formed every year by a blind draft of rated players.
Kathy Barratt e-mail; web site
Tottenham Mens Slo-Pitch League
Mens; blind draft; Tottenham, Beeton and surrounding communities; SPN;
President, Cole Webb e-mail; web site
Tottenham Old-Timers Slo-Pitch League
35+; blind draft; Tottenham, Beeton and surrounding communities; SPN;
President, Jamie McClean e-mail;
Tri-City Mens Slo-Pitch League - not active ; e-mail
Tri-City Slo-Pitch League - Kitchener
18 teams; web site ; e-mail
Tri-County Slo-Pitch League - Kitchener
Coed; 10 teams; Sunday mornings; SPOA; web site ; Contact Brad Kieswetter e-mail
Twin B's Slo-Pitch League - NOT ACTIVE
Unionville Mixed Slo-Pitch League - UMSPL -- NOT ACTIVE
was -- Brent Bird; coed; Sunday evenings from Crosby Park in Unionville; 8 teams;
Unionville Slo-Pitch League
Kirk Wanvig 905-474-9282 or 905-513-5475; e-mail ; web site: ; Mens; SPOA
Uxbridge Coed Slo-Pitch League UCSL
4 teams, non-competitive 3-pitch, 19+, Thursday nights, Bonner Fields East and West.
Craig Crago e-mail ; web site: web site
Valhalla Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Aurora
Contact: Terry Sherin e-mail
Vaughan Ladies Slo-Pitch League - Vaughan
see Vaughn Slo-Pitch League
Vaughan Ladies Slo-Pitch League looking for new teams and new individual players.
Contact: Anna DiGiulio e-mail ;
Vaughan Slo-Pitch League
4 divisions, Mens 40+, Mens Open Friday nights, Ladies Rec, Ladies Comp and Co-Ed Open division;
formerly Maple Mens Slo-Pitch and Vaughan Ladies and Co-Ed (6M-4F); diamonds are Maple and Woodbridge; ; - - Contact Taso Frabrikis e-mail ;
Ladies - Contact: Anna DiGiulio e-mail ; - Coed - Frank Crudo e-mail ;
Vaughan World Series Slo-Pitch League
Mens; 46 teams; Sunday 4 pm to 11 pm; Monday 6 pm to 11 pm.
Contact: Sam Maltese e-mail ;
Waterloo Oxford Co-Ed Slopitch League - WOCSL
Chris Mayer e-mail ; Plattesville & Drumbo diamonds; Wednesday nights; 16 teams; 18 game schedule;
Waterloo Mens Rec Slo-pitch
e-mail ; Waterloo Park Diamond; Tue-Thu nights; 10 teams; NSA;
Waterloo Recreational Co-Ed Slo-Pitch League
Waterloo Park diamonds; 16 teams, 30 game season + tournament. Sun,Mon,Wed. 6:15,7:50,9:25.
Commissioner Ryan Pacey e-mail ; web site ; SPOA.
Waterloo Region Mixed Slo-Pitch League - WRMSPL
No longer in operation.
Wentworth Adult Mixed Slo-Pitch League - Hamilton
a 44 team league from Hamilton, Ontario;
Joe Seroski e-mail;
West End Adult Softball League - Toronto
see Queen Street Baseball League
West End Baseball Association - WEBA
Mixed slo-pitch softball; Wednesday nights; Brickyard & Mississauga Valley; SPN;
Contact Francisco Figueroa e-mail ; web site
West End Mixed Baseball
Chuck Davis 905-275-9987; SPOA
West End Slo-Pitch Association - Etobicoke
e-mail; or Paul Piette, e-mail; web site; 12 teams; Monday, Wednesday, Birch Park; SPN;
West Hill Men's Slo Pitch League - Scarborough
Mens, Mens Masters 40+; Paul Hadden 416-284-7359
West Park Men's Fun League
Ron Mills
West Pickering Ladies
Tuesday and/or Thursday nights at Dunmore and Hydro diamonds, 8:30pm, 8 teams, ladies 19 years of age and older.
e-mail ; SPOA
West Shore Mixed Slo-Pitch Association
Pickering, est. 1977, ages 19 to 55; male/female, min 4F; 12 teams;
Sundays; Hydro Fields (Kinsmen Park) and Major Oaks; SPN; e-mail ; ;
Whitby Men's Slo-Pitch League
e-mail ; ;
Men's Masters 27+, 12 teams, 2 divisions, 36 games, 2 tournaments, draft new players,
Kelloryn Park, Sunday night everyone plays, plus one night during week (average) Mon, Tues, Wed, and odd Friday night.
Whitby Mixed Industrial
Don Cherry 905-438-8564; SPOA
Whitby Mixed Recreational Slo-Pitch League
Mike Nosko; e-mail ; web site; SPOA
Men and women over 25; Sunday nights; Iroquois Park, Williamsburg Park;
Whitby Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Glenda Cardwell 905-579-3952; SPOA
Willowdale Sports Club Adult Mixed Slow Pitch League - WSC
Hendon Park diamonds near Yonge and Finch; Sunday night; (usually a 15 game schedule);
emphasis on recreation and good sportsmanship; slow pitch rules; no sliding; no lead-offs; League supplied Umps;
8 teams, room for 16 teams; 15 players on a team (10 men and 5 women-everyone plays);
web site; Contact: Sean Graney -- email
Woodbridge Men's Slo-Pitch League (WMSPL)
Woodbridge; founded in 1990; 8 teams; Tuesday & Thursday nights; Vaughan Grove Diamond Complex; SPN;
Glen Giacomelli e-mail ;;
Woodbridge Modified Slo-Pitch League
Woodbridge; Parks: Nort Johnson, Woodbridge College, Marita Payne Park, Vaughan Grove, Blue Willow, Sonoma Heights;
Lou Calvitto e-mail ;;
Yonge Aurora Mixed Slo-Pitch League
Copland Park in Aurora. Games are once per week Monday through Thursday starting at 6:30 pm; NSA; Richard Vissers e-mail
York Region Mens Slo-Pitch League
Contact: Michael Weisdorf, President (no contact info); Mike Robinson, Past-President e-mail; --
Steve Widdrington, Past-President e-mail web site: ;
10 teams; playing primarily in the Richmond Hill and Markham area; SPOA
York Region Masters Slo Pitch League
Richmond Hill, Ontario; Paul Eden e-mail
York Region Slo-Pitch - Woodbridge
Woodbridge; Mens Slo-Pitch;
Dave Campbell e-mail ; Dave Pimental e-mail
York Region Slo Pitch League
Robert Keffer 905-951-6458; SPOA
Young Vets Slow-Pitch League - Cambridge
Cambridge; Bruce Casburn 519-624-0018 Home - RSPA Home - Site Map
For more information about
please contact: Randy Warren
RSPA 2025 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 3 • June 7 • July 12
• August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4