RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue 2025
Updated December 1, 2024The RSPA 2025 All-Star Night & Barbecue is scheduled for Friday, July 11, 2025
at Paul Coffey Park, 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm.
Derry Road, south-west corner of Goreway Drive / Disco Road; take 427 north to Derry Road,
take Derry Road west; the park is behind the Malton arena (use the arena parking lot to get into the park).
The parks are not visible from the street. - Paul Coffey map
• RSPA All-Star Night will include:
• FREE BARBECUE, free pop, bring your coolers.
• Home run hitting contest (male & female), base running (male & female),
pitching contest, individual and team throwing contests, games, etc.
• This event is optional for all teams, but if you ask anybody who has attended, they will tell you what a fun night it is!
(there are no RSPA scheduled games on that night).
• Also, this event is subsidized by league fees, so come out and get your money's worth!
• This event is once again dedicated to charity, a fund-raiser for the Covenant House.
All events will require a donation to enter and all funds, plus a donation from the league,
will be sent to Covenant House in the name of Erin Cumming.
• We will also have a 50-50 draw and will accept donations from non-participants.
• All events will require a donation - all proceeds go to The Covenant House.
• All events are open to all players and we will allow multiple player entries from the same team in all events.
• We are looking for prizes, volunteers, ideas, etc.
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be successful without the help we get from the amazing crew of volunteers!
• Why don't you step up and help? • Give us your input!
Some photos from past RSPA All Star Nights:

RSPA All-Star Night Friday, July 12, 2024
Updated October 13, 2024The RSPA 2024 All-Star Night & Barbecue on Friday, July 12 at Paul Coffey Park.
On and off light showers did not deter the teams and players that showed up.
• Greg Bowers from team Base Ballaz won a drawn out mens home run hitting contest,
with Cody Ireland from Breaking Bones in 2nd place. Both were gracious winners.
• Jamie Franco, Bonecrushers won ladies home run with Melissa VanDelen, Hit Talkers in 2nd.
• Ryan Baird, Smokin' Bats 2.0 won the pitching contest with Sara Skates also from Smokin' Bats 2.0 in 2nd place.
• Adam Cipollone from ??? won the mens throwing contest with Jamie Zander from Loose Balls in 2nd.
• Jenna Ellis, Hit Talkers won the ladies throwing contest.
• Base running was cancelled due to slippery conditions.
As usual free barbecue with umpires Mario and Richard manning the grills.
KristaC was the sous chef and Terry Jackson unfortunately found the megaphone again.
JoeV and Ming manned the beverage table and Rocco and Cheryl did most of the events.
and the ladies - Irene, Phoebe, Fatima and Cheryl, did all the draws.
• The 50-50 draw came to $410 split half was $205 for an anonymous winner and donated back to charity.
• Bat draw went unclaimed - yellow ticket number 8113148.
Andrea Copatti from team Batty Yankee has claimed the bat!
• This event was once again dedicated to charity, a fund-raiser for the Covenant House.
• We raised $1887.85 to be donated to the Covenant House in memory of Erin Cumming
• The RSPA All-Star Night was a result of a lot of work and could not be successful
without the help we get from the amazing crew of volunteers!
Some photos from the 2024 RSPA All Star Night: -- click on photo for larger version.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue 2022
Updated July 10, 2022The RSPA 2022 All-Star Night & Barbecue was held Friday, July 8 at Paul Coffey Park, 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm.
We had a great night with FREE BARBECUE, free beverages, home run hitting contest (male & female),
base running (male & female), throwing contests, games, etc.
If you did not attend this event, ask anybody who attended, it was a fun night!
This event was subsidized by league fees, so why not get your money's worth!
• This event is once again dedicated to charity, a fund-raiser for the Covenant House Charity in the name of Erin Cumming.
All events required a donation to enter and we raised more than $2000, waiting for promised interac donations to confirm total.
• We had a 50-50 draw $750 split made it $375 to the winner, won by IreneQ from Assassins and Bunch of Bums and she donated it back to charity.
• The bat draw won by Kyle from Hardballs raised $285.
• The mens homerun contest alone raised over $400.
• Chris Palmer from team La Familia had a big night winning the homerun contest and the baserunning showing power and speed.
• Jamie Ashford-Franco from Bonecrushers won the ladies homerun.
• Jennifer Garvie from Lollygaggers won the ladies baserunning.
• Nica Garcia from team ??? beat out TJ McKinly from Alcohol You Later in the throwing contest.
• Jennifer Garvie beat out Amanda Rose from Tiger Balmers in ladies throwing.
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be successful without the help we get from the amazing crew of volunteers!
Many thanks to our whippersnappers IreneQ and Fatima from Looseballs and Phoebe from Expendables.
Joe Vu and RoccoB and Ed ran the events with lots of help from players who stepped up and stepped in.
Our chefs - Ian, Richard, Mario and Joel managed to set the table on fire. Yes it was a hot time at Paul Coffey!
As usual Terry was directing from his chair but I conveniently forgot to bring his megaphone.
Robbo was serving up with Denis supervising.
Some photos from the 2022 RSPA All Star Night: -- click on photo for larger version.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue - 2020 & 2021
The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue for both 2020 and 2021 cancelled due to Covid-19.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue - Friday, July 12, 2019
Updated July 14, 2019.• The RSPA 2019 All-Star Night & Barbecue was held on Friday, July 12 at Paul Coffey Park.
• Anybody who did not attend this event is crazy. Anybody who attended will tell you what a fun night it was!
• Also, this event was subsidized by league fees, so if you didn't come out, you aren't getting your money's worth!
• FREE BARBECUE, amazing hamburgers and 3 different kinds of sausages, free beverages, etc.
• Krista and umpire RichardP and Ian manned the barbecues. We missed Mario and his special basil sprinkled tomatoes.
• Home run contest (male & female), base running (male & female), pitching contest, outfield throwing, games, draws, etc.
• Mens home run contest: EricV from Bonecrushers started out strong with 4 dingers in the first round but fell apart in the eliminations. Junior from Ruff Riders came on strong to win the event. Amit from Free Agents was second and Chad from Wrecking Crew was third.
• Ladies home run contest: Cassie from Shark Fionns beat out Michelle from Honey Badgers to win.
• Mens baserunning: Ethan from Loaded Bases won with a time of 12.47 seconds, Junior from Ruff Riders secone 12.72, Ryan from I'd Hit That 12.76, Davian from Wrecking Crew 12.89.
• Ladies baserunning: Lilian from Blaze Jays finally won because Leah took a year off.
• Pitching: Danny from Honey Badgers won the pitching competition.
• Outfield throwing: Can't read the chicken scratches to see who won this event.
• Deby Alvia from Massive Hits won $435 in the 50-50 draw and donated $100 back to the Kidney Foundation.
• We raised $2579.90 (no dog tag this year) from the events and donations, $720 just from the male home-run contest, $435 from the 50-5- draw, $485 from the bat draw, won by ???. The leage will round it up to donate $3000 to the Kidney Foundation of Canada.
• REMEMBER: We are also looking for donations to the Kidney Walk which will be held in September.
I would like to see every team make at least a small donation.
• The All-Star Night this year was a fund-raiser for Owen Dakins (son of Mike Dakins, Last Call) and the Kidney Foundation
donating $3000 (not that we are forgetting Chris Allen and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.)
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be successful without the help we get from the amazing crew of volunteers! KristaC and umpire RichardP and IanB on the barbecues, TerryJ doing his usual, anything that could be done from the comfort of his chair, EdG running all the events, Robbo and BriPie manning the beverages, Margine and Irene stepping in wherever needed, and all the people who stepped in to run and judge the events, etc.
Some photos from the RSPA 2019 All-Star Night - click for larger photo.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue - Friday, July 20, 2018
• The RSPA 2018 All-Star Night & Barbecue was held on Friday, July 20 at Paul Coffey Park.
• Anybody who did not attend this event is crazy. Ask anybody who attended, they will tell you what a fun night it was!
Also, this event was subsidized by league fees, so if you didn't come out, you aren't getting your money's worth!
• FREE BARBECUE, amazing hamburgers and 3 different kinds of sausages, free beverages, etc. Umpires Mario and Henry, Ian and even the Newf manned the barbecues and Mario brought his special basil sprinkled tomatoes.
• Home run contest (male & female), base running (male & female), pitching contest, outfield throwing, games, draws, etc.
• We raised $1703.50 (and a dog tag). This event is dedicated to Chris Allen, a fund-raiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
• Matt Wilson for Tiger Balmers won the male home run contest, which just goes to show anybody can win.
It's consistency, not power to hit a ball out of a 250 foot park. There was a 7-way tie for second place. Danny from Honey Badgers and Greg from Looseballs-Tue had a great first round but choked in the finals.
• Sarah Manson won the female homerun contest. There was a 3-way tie for second place - ChristinaV from Master Batters, Chantal from QHDP and M..**??-kjgfkhgdklj (can't read that writing) in second place.
• Justin Lim from Etobicoke Trolley Dodgers won mens baserunning with Oscar from Kekambas 2nd and JasonK from Hardcore in third (who wants a masters division for baserunning).
• Leah from god knows how many teams won AGAIN with Lilian from Blaze Jays in second.
(Where were you Noni, I thought you were fast?)
• Melanie from Looseballs-Tue won female throwing, with MichelleR from Honey Badgers in second place.
• Mitch Husband from Kekambas won male throwing with Dave Lyman from Thunder in second.
• Ralph from Aceholes won the pitching contest with Joseph from Sweet Spot in second (and Lisa Rose would have won best female pitcher, but it was combined).
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be successful without the help we get from the amazing crew of volunteers! KristaC (and even TerryJ and IanB) and specially umpires Mario and Henry, and BrianL, Robbo and BriPie manning the beverages, Margine stepping in wherever needed, and all the people who stepped in to run and judge the events, etc.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue Friday, Aug 11, 2017
Updated Aug 14, 2017
The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue on Friday, Aug 11, 2017 at Wildwood Park was a rainy night with an impressive lightning show, but still great turnout considering the weather.
We managed to get in a couple of events.
• Team Blaze Jays swept the baserunning with team rep LillianM winning with a 14.5 time on a wet track.
• Andre (also from team Blaze Jays) won mens in 12.69 time.
• Wayne from Woodland Sluggers won male pitching and Jessica from QHDP won female pitching.
• Throwing accuracy won by Devo from Inferno/Master Batters and Fatima from Loose Balls.
• Homerun contest, which usually takes half the night was cancelled because of lightning.
• But players still went out for batting practice in the rain and mud.
• Still managed to collect $250 donations from events and $468.50 (who put in the 50 cents?) from a raffle.
• Kyle from Hardballs won a Miken Freakshow bat, and I don't know who won 2nd place draw prize, a pair of Blue Jay tickets donated by JasonK.
• The league will match it and will donate $1200 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation in the name of Chris Allen.
• As usual the free barbecue was a success and thanks have to go out to our Italian chef Mario (the umpire), and his trusty sidekick Krista from Tailgaters.
• We managed to hide the megaphone from Terry Jackson, but you could still hear him barking orders from the comfort of his chair.
• Thanks to all the volunteers, specially AllanT for running the events and Robbo and Bri-Pie who were the most popular guys at the barbecue. Also the many volunteers, half of who I cannot remember for helping with events, raffles, etc.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue Friday, August 12, 2016
Updated August 13, 2016 - Click on photos for larger view.• The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue was held on Friday, August 12, 2016 at Wildwood Park.
• Great weather, a little hot, but no storm, great turnout. FREE BARBECUE, free beverages, and a lot of fun!
• LarsA from Honey Badgers won the male home run hitting contest (so much for the bragging of Last 2 Leave).
Even charging $20 an entry for the male home run contest didn't scare away the 46 entrants.
• KristaK from Tailgaters won the female home run hitting contest.
• LeahC from Inferno won the female base running contest as usual,
• Albert from new team Aceholes won the male base running contest.
• PatriciaC from Mixed balls beat out all the guys in the pitching contest.
• Devo from Inferno/Master Batters/and any other team that will let him play, won the individual throwing contest.
• Team throwing contest (around the horn) got cut for lack of time, but at least we got the pitching in this year.
• Dave Lyman from Shebeen won $255 in the 50-50 draw.
• We raised $1956.36 (don't ask me where the 36 cents came from) for the Heart and Stroke Foundation
in the name of Chris Allen.
• The RSPA All-Star Night was successful as a result of a lot of work and the help we got from the amazing crew of volunteers! Thank you to AllanT, CathyC, TerryJ, KristaK, umpires Mario and Karen, b*** bitches RobO and BryanM, and the myriad of people who stepped up to judge the contests, sell tickets, help set up, etc.
Next year, why don't you step up and help?
We are looking for prizes, volunteers, ideas, etc. for next year.
Give us your input!

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue Friday, August 21, 2015
Updated November 19, 2015
• The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue Friday, August 21, 2015 at Wildwood Park was a great success!
• The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue tentatively scheduled for Friday, August 12, 2016
• FREE BARBECUE, free beverages, lots of great contests.
• Ryan M. from team Shebeen won the home run contest over Brent C. in an awesome display of power.
We aint getting those balls back.
• Sarah M. from Got The Runs beat out Amanda N. from team Shebeen for the female home run title.
• TJ from Tailgaters won the male baserunning and Leah from Master Batters won the female baserunning.
• Tara R. from Looseballs won the female throwing accuracy and Brandon N from Kekambas won the male.
• Once again we ran out of time and cancelled the pitching contest and the "Around the Horn" team throwng contest.
• The events went off smoothly with Allan and Cathy running the events and all the volunteers that stepped up to help.
• The food was great with chef Ian manning the barbecue with free hamgurgers, sausages and hot dogs.
• Rob O and BriPie were on beverage duty and did a great job. Brian and Cassie and Jason and Steve all helped with events.
• This event is optional for all teams, but if you ask anybody who was there, they will tell you what a fun night it is!
• This event was dedicated to Chris Allen, a fund-raiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
• We raised $1758 and the league will kick in so we will send $2000 to Heart & Stroke.
• Give us your input and ideas for next year. Step up and volunteer to help with the events.

RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue Friday, August 8, 2014
Updated November 1, 2014
The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue was held Friday night at Wildwood Park with a FREE BARBECUE.
• The male home run hitting contest ended in the finals because the lights went out. Time flies when you're having fun! Shawn Simard from Tribe was leading at the time, and Tommy Hammond of Dirty Dozen and Jeff Aishford from Bucket Bombers were still in the running. No coincidence that all three are on Comp teams.
• The female home run hitting contest won by Sarah Manson from Bucket Bombers beating Tara R from Looseballs in the finals.
• Leah C. from Inferno won the female baserunning in a time of 13.59 seconds, beating out Agy W. from Upper Deck and Melanie from Looseballs.
• Kosta S. from Upper Deck won the male baserunning in a time 11.63 seconds (that is fast!), beating out Gennaro C. from Game of Throws, Richard S. from Mixed Balls, and David F. from Dirty Dozen.
• Gennaro C. from Game of Throws won the Outfield Throwing Accuracy.
• Dirty Dozen beat Tribe in the team throwing contest "Around The Horn".
• And my sincere apologies to the entrants of the pitching contest as it was cancelled due to lack of time. The lights went out on us and we didn't finish all the events as it was.
• The kids had a baserunning contest and won sets of headphones (that we luckily had on hand).
• Check out the photos to see what a fun night it was!
• On that note, thanks to the player (who I don't remember) for stepping up and taking all the photos.
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be succesful without the help we got from an amazing crew of volunteers! Thanks to Al and Cathy from Upper Deck who did registrations and event scheduling; Gootch from Clippers was the money man; his wife Darlene handled the prizes; Ian, Ed Sato and Judy manning the barbecue as usual; Terry, Krista and Paul from Tailgaters running some of the events; Nolan did the baserunning timing; Shawn and Greg handled the throwing contest; Larry, Wayne and some scribbly name judged the Round the Horn; Janet and Pam and Deby Alvia did the draw prizes; Umpie Wayne and Rick were supposed to do the pitching contest which got cancelled but helped out in other ways; and finally Ed G. who managed to hold down a folding chair with great care and tenacity.
• This event was dedicated to Chris Allen, a fund-raiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and we raised $1482.85 for Heart and Stroke. Click on the pictures for a larger view

RSPA Slo-Pitch 2013 All-Star Night & Barbecue
Updated January 22, 2013
• The RSPA All-Star Night & Barbecue was on Friday, August 9, 6:30 pm at Wildwood Park,
and was another great success.
• Free barbecue & beverages; home run hitting contest (male & female), base running (male & female),
pitching contest, individual and team throwing contests, games, etc. We had to cut the team throwing because so many went in the home run contests.
• This event was dedicated to Chris Allen, a fund-raiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
We raised $715.00 and the league will match that and $1430.00 will be sent to Heart & Stroke in his name.
• The contests were mostly a match-up between Born Stars and Breaking Bats.
• Greg Aishford from Breaking Bats beat Matt Dottin from Born Stars to win the home run contest.
• Sarah M from Breaking Bats beat out Jodie from Shebeen Clippers and Krista C from Tailgators to win the ladies home run.
• Matt Dottin from Born Stars was the fastest and beat Vin from Cash Money and David from ??? to win the base running contest. Winning time was 11.56 seconds around the bases.
• Leah C from Inferno and Hall of Shamers beat Brenda H from Breaking Bats and Karen B from Upper Deck to win the ladies baserunning with a time of 13.84 seconds.
• Devo from Master Batters won the pitching contest, beating Ryan from Twist Offs and Robbo from Bat Blazers.
• Matt Wilson from Upper Deck won the throwing accuracy contest, and Crystyal B from Breaking Bats beat Krista C from Tailgators to be the most accurate lady thrower.
• All event winners won All-Star hoodies, second won a shirt and third won All-Star t-shirts.
• The RSPA All-Star Night is a result of a lot of work and cannot be succesful without the help we got from the amazing crew of volunteers! Uncle Ian was the main man on the barbecue; Robbo was the "dispenser"; Gootch and Darlene kept things smooth; Jodie, Emily, Allan and Cathy ran the events; Anthony and Marcus were the photographers; and of course Ed Sato and Judy were helping out; Eddie G, Steve and Keith kicked in; and more people than we can mention helped out; and we missed Jeff who has ran this event for the last 5 years.

RSPA Slo-Pitch 2012 All-Star Night

The RSPA 2012 All-Star Night & Barbecue was cancelled
as the city closed the parks due to inclement weather.

RSPA Slo-Pitch 2011 All-Star Night

with a FREE BARBECUE and a variety of baseball contests.
The 2011 RSPA All-Star Night was dedicated to Chris Allen
with donations going to the Heart & Stroke Foundation in his name.
We collected $1963.11 in Canadian; $6.25 in US and a Jamaican $10 coin
that I think is worth $0.13 and the league donated the difference
to bring it up to a total $3000.00 donation.
• Mike Flemming from Flaming Arifs won the male home run hitting contest,
with Peter from the Dragons in second place.
• Christina Vecchiato from Master Batters won the female home run hitting contest,
with Tracy from the BYOB in second place.
• Jeremy Short from the Hawks won the male base running for the second year in a row,
with Omar from Ruff Ryders in second place and Graeme from Woodies in third place.
• Bertina from the ASU Sun Devils won the female base running contest,
with Kristina from A-Rod in my Pujols in second and Courtney from Flaming Arifs in third.
• Flaming Arifs won the team throwing contest; with A-Rod and ASU Sun Devils second and third.
Only 3 teams managed to complete the course without throwing the ball away.
• George Raposo from Hawks won the male individual throwing accuracy contest.
• Molly Cote from BYOB won the female individual throwing accuracy contest.
• Bergy from Chicks & Dicks won the pitching contest.
• Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to help run this huge event.
Special thanks to Jeff Warren for an amazing job!
• Another great night out with RSPA!

RSPA Slo-Pitch 2010 All-Star Night
The RSPA 2010 All-Star Night & Barbecue was held on Friday, August 13 at Wildwood Park.A great success with free barbecue; free pop and water - and lots of competition;
• Jeremy Short from Hawks won both the home run and base-running contest.
• Justin from TNT was second in the home run and Matt from Misfits was second in the base running.
• Graham from Woodies was third in the base running.
• Krista from Heres To Grizz beat Lily-Ann from Dragons in the female home run contest.
• Michelle from Misfits beat Camille from Ruff Ryders in the base running.
• Hawks were first in the team throwing contest "around the horn",
• with Dragons in second and Heres to Grizz in third.

Blast From The Past - RSPA Slo-Pitch 2008 All-Star Night
Thanks again for all the help from the volunteers to help run this huge event!

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For more information about RSPA Slo-Pitch
please contact: Randy Warren
e-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA 2025 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 3 • June 7 • July 12
• August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4