RSPA Slo-Pitch Covid Guidelines
Updated June 25, 2021Covid rules for RSPA for 2021 are yet to be finalized and will be determined by local regulations.
• Covid regulations will be set for: RSPA open practices, RSPA/SPN umpire clinic and eventually RSPA league and tournament play.
• At this time, all participants must wear a mask when arriving at open practices and the umpire clinic.
• Also the number of participants will be limited and must use safe distancing whenever possible.

RSPA Slo-Pitch League COVID Rules/Guidelines 2021
Updated March 27, 2021Covid rules for RSPA for 2021 are yet to be finalized and will be determined by local regulations.
• Assuming that guidelines similar to fall 2020 are in place:
• We will stress contactless league organization. All league fees are to be sent electronically to accent@slopitch1.com
• The first league meeting will not be scheduled but all info and interactions will be via email.
• The final league meeting will be setup to pick-up team packages, rulebooks, scorebooks and balls as contact-less as possible.
Personal Protection:
• The use of a mask, face covering or face shield is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Specially for batter, baserunners, catcher and umpire.
• Do not come to the game if you are ill, show any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been around someone who is ill with Covid-19.
• The use of personal fitted batting gloves at all times is recommended.
• The use of individual antibacterial hand sanitizer is recommended.
• The use of individual bats is recommended.
• Each team is to use their own set of balls, minimizing the number of people who touch the ball by half.
Teams are responsible for supplying balls for each game. More used balls will be allowed.
• Balls should be wiped before each inning.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or into your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Do not spit. Wash your hands often.
Arrival/Departure at the Fields:
• Arrive 15 minutes maximum before scheduled game time.
• Leave facilities immediately upon game completion.
• There will be absolutely no congregating at parks, facilities or parking areas before or after your game.
• Score sheets listing the full name (first and last) and dated must be kept by all team captains.
• Please take a photo of the score sheet to have as a record of attendance that may be requested at any time from the league executive.
Social Distancing During the Game:
• There will be a no contact, “no handshakes or high fiving”.
• Ground rules shall be provided to team representative before the game by the umpire respecting social distancing.
• During batting, players will need to line up along the fence outside of the diamond spread out accordingly.
• The dug out will only be used by the on deck batter, or participants can distance accordingly to space available.
• Coaches will stand 2 meters away from 1st and 3rd base at all times, however, it is recommended that there be no base coaches.
• The catcher will stand 2 meters behind the strike mat.
• If your team is playing the late timeslot, please wait away from the diamond until such time when your group has been cleared to approach the diamond by the umpire or when it is apparent that the previous team occupants have vacated the facility.
• Immediately upon the completion of the game, all members will leave the diamond area.
• It is recommended that spectators be kept to a minimum.
• It is recommended that children should not be left unattended while playing.
• In the case that there is a restricted number of participants allowed at the facility, a no spectator rule may have to be utilized.
• No coaching conferences or group huddles.
• Zero tolerance for any player who fails to respect other participant’s personal space (including umpires).
Offending players will be removed from the league immediately without compensation.
• All garbage must be collected and removed by each team after the game.
• Teams and or players who do not adhere to the suggestions put forth by league organizers risk being refused to participate.
Players and or teams removed from the league due to non -compliance with COVID-19 guidelines shall not receive a refund of any kind.
• All players must complete the updated Slo-Pitch National 2021 online waiver form at www.slo-pitch.com.
• Restrictions for leagues may be set at maximum 4 teams, or 50 players/spectators in a division, or as they like to call it - cohort.
• Division crossover may not be allowed. No division changes. Divisions may be merged if necessary.
These measures are being considered and adopted by volunteers who are trying to organize a sport this season that will allow participants to enjoy the game. It is imperative that all participants conduct themselves in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner. Failure to accept the necessary measures put forward by league or event organizers shall not be tolerated. Thank you for your patience during these challenging times.
• It is recommended that umpires wear a mask or face shield.
• Umpires will provide further detailed ground rules on an as needed basis observing the necessary distancing before the game begins.
• There will be no exchange of lineup cards, teams will keep score with their own scorekeeping books.
• It is suggested that the umpire utilize a small notepad for necessary game management.
• Umpires will stand where they are comfortable calling the game, and at least 2 meters away from the catcher and batter.
• Umpire conferences are to be kept to a minimum adhering to distancing requirements.
• It is recommended that umpires not remove equipment from the playing field, please allow the teams to do this.
• Teams and or players who do not adhere to the suggestions put forth by league and event organizers risk being refused to participate.

SPN Umpire Information:
SPN Umpire Exam
SPN 2021 Rule Book
SPN 2021 Umpire Manuals
SPN Umpire Incident Report
SPN Umpire Incident Report
RSPA Umpire Information:
RSPA Parks and Maps
RSPA Umpire Info Form - pdf
RSPA Umpire Park-Night Preference Form
SPN/RSPA Slo-Pitch Umpire Clinic 2022
RSPA umpire clinic tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 27, 6:30 pm location TBA.RSPA needs SPN carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any SPN league or tournament.

(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).

$90 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm); $120 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
$35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday tournament.
Get out, get some exercise, have some fun and earn some extra cash.
Anyone wishing to become a carded umpire should contact the League.

RSPA Home - SloPitch1.com Home - Site Map
For more information about RSPA Slo-Pitch
please contact: Randy Warren
e-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA 2022 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 7 (one-day)
• June 4 • July 16 • July 23
• August 20 • September 24 • Oct 1