RSPA Slo-Pitch League Rules
Updated February 13, 2025RSPA Rules - Short Version (one page) PDF
RSPA Rules (8 pages) PDF
The NSA Official Slo-Pitch Rule Book is available at: NSA Rulebook

RSPA Rule Changes For 2025
Updated February 4, 2025• We looked at which rules we wanted to adopt from NSA and any existing RSPA rules that we wanted to change.
With the merge of SPN-SPOA and the rule changes there, they are not that far off from NSA rules.
• We sent out a survey to all RSPA team reps and response was to keep rules as they were for suggested rule changes.
• We discussed the following possible rule change:
- going to 1 and 1 count - no;
- using "big ball-small ball" - no;
- pitchers mask mandatory - no;
- distance between bases 65’ or 70' - yes 70';
- female batter option to walk - yes/same;
- male/female pitcher-catcher combination - no;
- pitching arc 6’-10’ or 6’-12’ - stay 6-12';
- bunting - no;
- stealing - no;
- home run rule change from an out to a single - no.

COR.52/300 Softball Optic Yellow- LSSB52CALYL. Teams may use up Worth "Hot Dot" balls.
If balls and/or team packages are not picked up the team will forfeit their supply of balls.

A team rep or team member MUST ATTEND the RSPA league meeting.
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill; 2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
A representative from every team MUST attend the RSPA meeting.
If balls and/or team packages are not picked up the team will forfeit their supply of balls.

• If you have any suggested rule changes please submit them. E-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA RULE DIFFERENCES FOR 2025/RSPA Will NOT Use the Following NSA Rules:
• RSPA will not start batters with a 1-1 count.
• RSPA will not use big ball-small ball.
• Protective masks for pitchers is highly recommended but NOT mandatory.
• RSPA will not use the NSA male/female pitcher-catcher combination rule.
• RSPA will not allow bunting or stealing.
• RSPA will maintain the pitching arc at 6"-12'.
The Following Rules Will Be Stressed For 2025
We will continue to address the RSPA Code of Conduct.
We are really going to clamp down on incidents, trash talking and umpire abuse.
Player ejection for umpire abuse or any physical altercation will result in an automatic 3 game suspension.
UMPIRES: All umpires make mistakes, even the major league umpires. They do not deserve to be abused, yelled at or threatened.
- ROSTERS: All teams/players must complete the SPN on-line roster with complete info and on time.
- Rosters must be submitted by the deadline and team reps SHOULD carry a copy of the team roster to every game.
- Roster checks will be done on every team.
- Payments MUST be in on time. Teams with unpaid fees and fines will be suspended.
- All default fines and late payment fines will be strictly enforced.
- All beverages must be in cups. Infraction will result in player ejection.
Tuesday, April 29 .
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill; 2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
A representative from every team MUST attend the RSPA meeting.
If balls and/or team packages are not picked up, the team will forfeit their supply of balls. - We offer optional games for Monday and/or Friday nights on holiday long weekends.
- Doubleheaders will be scheduled on unlit diamonds from the second week of June to the middle of July. Time limit will be in effect.
- Umpires needed for 2025. Free NSA umpire carding for all RSPA umpires.
- Any player ejected for any reason will automatically be suspended for one additional game.
Any player ejected for umpire abuse will automatically be suspended for THREE additional games. - Fair play and gamemanship stressed for 2025.
- REMEMBER - it's only a game!
- All league fees must be paid on time. We highly recommend using post-dated cheques.
All default fines and late payment fines will be strictly enforced. Teams with unpaid fees and fines will be suspended. - The official ball is the Louisville Slugger NSA Canada 12"
COR.52/300 Softball Optic Yellow- LSSB52CALYL.
Teams may use up Worth "Hot Dot" balls. Balls are supplied by the league. - If balls are not picked up at th eleague meeting, the team will forfeit their supply of balls.
- Illegal batting order/line-up: If a team is discovered with an illegal line-up with more than four more males than females
in the batting order, the following penalty will be applied:
- A male batter will be declared out:
- If a male batter is at bat at the time of the discovery, that batter will be declared out.
- If a male batter has just batted and got on base at the time of the discovery and before the pitch to the next batter, that batter will be declared out.
- If a female batter is at bat at the time of the discovery or in all other cases, the next male batter will be declared out. - An automatic out will added to the bottom of the batting order for every illegal male batter.
- The umpire will have the right to bring any illegal batting order to the attention of the opposing team, and apply the penalty.
- The umpire will report all instances of illegal batting orders to the league executive
and further penalties will be assessed for second and third offences. - A second offence will result in a one game suspension for the team rep or team coach.
- A third offence will result in game default, plus a three game suspension for the coach.
- A male batter will be declared out:
- All beverages must be in cups.
- There is zero tolerance for verbal abuse to umpires and other players.
- We stress "fair play and gamesmanship".

RSPA Bat Rules in Effect for 2025
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.
(NSA and SPN allow ONLY bats with the USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp.)

NSA Bat Rules in Effect
Updated December 28, 2024NSA Canada has adopted a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.20 or less. All bats with a BPF of 1.20 or less for the entire length of the barrel or hitting surface are approved for use in the NSA Canada Program, unless NSA Canada believes in any way, shape, or form that a particular bat is dangerous and/or not acceptable for fair and safe play. NSA Canada reserves the right to ban such equipment immediately. All bats used in NSA Canada play must be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 or less. EXCEPTION: Wooden bats do not have to be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 and may be used and are legal in all NSA Canada play if they meet the standards set forth in Rule 3, Sec. 1 a-l.

RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.

RSPA Basic Rules
RSPA uses basic NSA rules with the following exceptions:- Maximum 10 players on the field with maximum 7 males on the field.
You may only have 4 more males than females on the field or in the batting order. - Batting Order: no maximum in the batting order.
The basic line-up would be 7 males and 3 females (7M-3F).
The line-up may be expanded. For every male added, you must add a female,
or 8M-4F, 9M-5F, 10M-6F, etc.
You may only have 4 more males than females in the batting order.
You may always bat with more females - 6M-4F, 5M-5F, 7M-4F, etc.
You may add an automatic out in the batting order to bat an extra male. - No restrictions on batting sequence. You may bat as many males in a row as you wish.
- Unlimited defensive substitution with players in the batting order (maximum 7 males on the field).
- Standard rule for single re-entry after substitution.
- Balls and strikes are called by the umpire using a mat.
- If a male batter is walked, with a female batter (or automatic out for a missing female batter) following, the male batter is
awarded first and second base and the female batter has to bat, unless the male batter was walked on a 4-0 count (4 straight balls
and no strikes), then the female batter has the choice of batting or a free walk.
We recommend that during the regular season, all female batters bat whenever possible. - Seven (7) inning games.
- Home team supplies bases, including safe-base; safe line and commitment line in effect.
- Standard slo-pitch 6 to 12 foot arc with called balls and strikes using a mat.
- No time limit on games on unlit diamonds. One hour and thirty minute time limit* on lit diamonds; (exceptions).
- Outfielders may be positioned anywhere in fair territory (70 foot encroachment rule applies).
They do not have to play beyond the 150/175 foot mark. There is no 150/175 foot rule. - 5-Man Infield: No five man infield allowed. All "outfielders" must be in the outfield or at "rover" depth. A player will be deemed an "outfielder" if they are playing a defensive position that would be on the grass on a normal softball diamond. ***RSPA***
- No defensive player (other than pitcher and catcher) can stand closer than 70 feet. ***NEW RSPA***
- No outfielder may make a force out on the batter-base runner at first base,
nor may an outfielder relay the ball in order to make a force out on the batter-base runner at first base. - Home Run Rule: "Match plus 2" in all fenced parks (over the fence home runs). Over is an out.
- Walk off home run will be allowed if EITHER team REQUESTS it.
No out called for untouched base. Out called if touched first base with bat in hand.
Out called if baserunner touches homeplate, mat or board after running the bases. - Grace period 10 minutes (umpire's discretion). Time comes off game time.
- Mercy Rule: 15 runs after 4 innings; 10 runs after 5 innings (4-1/2 innings if home team is ahead). ***NEW 2025***
- Inning Mercy Rule: 6 run maximum runs per inning mercy rule (unless more than 6 runs are required to avoid a mercy), even if a home run is hit that would put the max over 6 runs. The last inning is open.
- Courtesy Runners: Seven (7) per game, male for male, female for female; or female for male.
You MAY use the same runner more than once. Cannot use the same runner twice in the same inning. ***NEW RSPA*** - Playoff Rosters: Teams MUST submit playoff eligible roster.
- Scoresheets: Teams MUST submit photo of all scoresheets for PLAYOFF games.
- Any player not in uniform for playoff games must submit photo ID. ***RSPA***
- Roster Checks: An umpire may request a roster check for 5 games played in all playoff games.
- Team Photo: Considering fine or penalty for no team photo or failure to respond to league emails.
- NSA affiliated; NSA carded umpires; NSA insured.
- RSPA BAT RULE: RSPA allows the use of both USSSA and ASA 2004 authorized bats.
(NSA & SPN accepts ONLY the USSSA authorized bats.) - Batters WILL NOT start with a 1-1 count.
RSPA Rules (8 pages) PDF
NSA Rulebook

RSPA Official Rules of Play
Updated February 13, 2025Section 1: General Rules
- All rules and/or principals not specifically addressed in the following league rules and amendments
will be specified in the current NSA rulebook. -- NSA Rulebook - Any rule, situation or incident not covered will be reviewed and decided by the League Executive.
- Appeals and protests will be reviewed by the League Executive for further actions.
- Rules will not be revised during the season unless absolutely necessary.
- Recommendations for rule changes may be submitted to the League Executive for consideration.
- All rules must be strictly adhered to. Umpires or team representatives do not have the right to waive or change these rules.
- Rules that are RSPA specific and are different from NSA rules will be indicated by "***RSPA***".
- Rules that are new or changed will be indicated by "***NEW 2025***".
Section 2: The Game
- All games will be seven (7) innings. Home team does not bat in the bottom of the 7th inning if ahead.
Exception: In playoff series where it is a best of two games, total run series, an equal number of innings must be played. - Once an inning starts, it must be completed (exception: safety).
- A game may be called in the middle of an inning for safety reasons only (darkness, weather, possible injury, etc.). The score will revert back to the last completed inning. If the outcome of the game is in question and if the outcome of the game is significant in the standings, the League Executive may (at their determination) reschedule the game to be continued from where it was left off.
- FOUR (4) complete innings are required for a complete game (3-1/2 innings if home team is ahead). ***RSPA***
- TIE SCORE: Game will be played until a winner is determined, unless game is called because of time (during regular season), darkness, weather, safety, possible injury, etc. Ties are allowed in regular season. No ties in playoffs.
- TIE BREAKER RULE will be used with tie score in extra innings or any inning past the time limit.
The inning will be started with the last batter as a baserunner on second base.
The inning will be started will one (1) out. ***RSPA***. - INCOMPLETE GAMES will be replayed from the start. The League reserves the right to continue a game from the point where it was left off. Suspended games or protested games will be played from the point of interruption.
- The umpire will decide if the game can be played. PLAY RAIN OR SHINE.
- RSPA RAIN OUT POLICY: Unless otherwise informed, all teams must show up "rain or shine".
Only the umpire can call the game at the diamond. DO NOT CALL to see if the game will be played!
In extreme situations, teams will be e-mailed by 4:00 pm to cancel games and info will be posted on the web site. - GAME START TIME will be as per the League schedule.
Standard game start time will normally be 6:30 pm, 8:00 pm and/or 9:30 pm.
League Executive retains the right to adjust game start times if necessary.
Game start time is "game start time". Home team must have bases placed by game start time, or risk default. - GRACE PERIOD of ten (10) minutes (umpire's time and discretion) will be allowed from the official game start time.
If a time limit is in effect, the grace time will be deducted from the the game time. - TIME LIMIT: There are no time limits on games on unlit diamonds (*exceptions – double-headers, late scheduled start).
Doubleheaders will be scheduled on unlit diamonds from the second week of June to the middle of July. Time limit will be in effect.
On lit diamonds and in playoff games, if a time limit is in effect, no new inning will start after
ONE (1) HOUR AND FIFTEEN (15) MINUTES. (*exceptions on late games DH with start 8:30 pm). - DEFAULT: In the event of a default, the score will be recorded as 7-0 (one run per inning).
- A team will be fined $50 for the first game default.
- A team will be fined $100 for the second game default.
- A team will be fined $200 for the third game default
and may be brought before the League Executive for further action. - The default fine will be reduced by $50.00 if the League is notified 24 hours in advance.
- A default fine may be waived by the League Executive in exceptional circumstances.
- All default fines and late payment fines will be strictly enforced.
- MERCY RULE: Mercy rule of 15 runs after 4 complete innings (or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead), or 10 runs after 5 complete innings (or 4-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead). ***NEW 2025 NSA***
A win is worth 1 point, a tie is worth 1/2 point and a loss is worth zero points.
Standings may use a weighted point system or division record in order to rank teams for the playoffs. - Home team for regular season games will be decided by the schedule.
For playoff games, the team with the higher standings will have choice of first home or away,
with all other games in the series alternating home and away. - BALLS AND STRIKES:
The umpire will be responsible for determining BALLS and STRIKES.
A pitching mat or board will be used. Hereinafter referred to as a mat. A legally pitched ball that hits the mat (or homeplate) before it hits the ground, will be called a strike. - THIRD STRIKE FOUL RULE is in effect. The batter is declared out if he/she hits a foul ball (or foul tip) with two (2) strikes (as per SPN rules).
- HOME RUN RULE "MATCH PLUS TWO" is in effect in all fenced parks or parks with a designated out of play area.
At no time during a game will the number of home runs (over the fence or out of play) hit by one team be more than TWO (2) more than home runs hit by the opposing team. When a home run is hit, that is in excess of the number allowed, the batter will be declared OUT. - WALK OFF HOMERUN RULE: Walk off home run will be allowed if EITHER team REQUESTS it.
No out called for untouched base. Out is called if touched first base with bat in hand.
Out is called if baserunner touches homeplate, mat or board after running the bases. - INNING MERCY RULE: 6 run maximum runs per inning mercy rule (unless more than 6 runs are required to avoid a mercy), even if a home run is hit that would put the max over 6 runs. The last inning is open.
Section 3: The Playing Field
- Bases will be set at SEVENTY (70) feet from the back of homeplate to the outside of the base. ***NEW 2025***
No defensive player (other than pitcher and catcher) can stand closer than 70 feet (RSPA rule). ***RSPA*** - PITCHING ZONE: The "Pitching Zone" is 24 inches wide by TEN (10) feet long, running 50 feet from home plate to 60 feet from home plate. The pitch must be delivered with the pivot foot within the pitching zone. ***NEW NSA 2025***
- COMMITMENT LINE: Twenty (20) feet from home plate. Base runner must continue once any part of his body is over (and on the ground) past the commitment line. (contrary to NSA rules)
- SCORING LINE: Safe line at home plate must be crossed with a portion of the foot on or over the line and on the ground. Force out at home plate.
- 150/175 FOOT RULE: The 150/175 foot rule (Ontario only) WILL NOT be used in RSPA. Outfielders may be positioned anywhere in fair territory in the outfield, but not closer than rover depth. No defensive player (other than pitcher and catcher) can stand closer to the batter than 70 feet. (amended rule). Five-man infield is NOT allowed. ***RSPA***
- No outfielder may make a force out on the batter-base runner at first base, nor may an outfielder relay the ball in order to make a force out on the batter-base runner at first base. There is no penalty for attempting to throw the batter-baserunner out. Once the batter-baserunner has rounded first base they may be thrown out. There is no penalty for attempting to throw the batter-baserunner out. ***RSPA***
- FIVE MAN INFIELD: No five man infield allowed. All "outfielders" must be in the outfield or at "rover" depth. A player will be deemed an "outfielder" if they are playing a defensive position that would be on the grass on a normal softball diamond. ***RSPA***
- ENCROACHMENT RULE: No defensive player (other than pitcher and catcher) can stand closer than 65 feet in fair territory as each pitch is delivered. ***RSPA***
- SPECIAL GROUND RULES: Ground rules for specific parks/diamonds should be reviewed before each game by the umpire and the team representatives. All ground rules are subject to change. Additional ground rules may be applied as a result of temporary field conditions, weather, etc.
Section 4: Equipment
- BATS: RSPA Bat Rules in Effect:
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.
(NSA and SPN allow ONLY bats with the USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp.)
Titanium bats are illegal. Hardball bats are illegal. Wooden bats are illegal. - ILLEGAL BAT: Any player stepping into the batters box with a non-approved bat will be DECLARED OUT
(not ejected from the game). ***NEW 2025 NSA*** - OFFICIAL BALL: The official League ball is the Louisville Slugger NSA Canada 12" COR.52/300 Softball Optic Yellow- LSSB52CALYL.
Teams may use up Worth "Hot Dot" balls. All other balls are illegal.
Balls are supplied by the league. If balls are not picked up by June 8, the team will forfeit their supply of balls. - BALLS: Home team must supply one NEW (unused) League approved ball plus one used ball in good condition for a spare.
- If both game balls are lost, the home team must supply alternate balls.
- Used balls are returned to the team at the end of the game.
- Suitability of balls will be in the umpire's discretion.
- Failure to supply game balls will result in home team assessed an "equipment fine"
of $10.00 for failing to supply necessary equipment. - The League will supply the balls to the teams.
- If balls are not picked up by June 8, the team will forfeit their supply of balls. ***RSPA***
- BASES: Home team must supply bases complete with pegs, and including a safe-base.
- Bases MUST be of regulation size, and in good condition,or not damaged, complete with pegs.
- Double base (safe-base) for use at first base must be one piece only; no split/folding bases allowed.
- Home team must place and peg down bases before scheduled game start time.
- The bases are to be measured and secured at the proper distance, by game time (up to and including grace time).
- Bases will be set at a distance of 70 feet. ***NEW 2025 NSA/SPN***
- If home team does not supply and place base in the allocated time, the visiting team must supply and place bases
complete with pegs, and including a safe-base. - If visiting team is required to supply and place bases, they will have the option of home field advantage,
and the home team will be assessed an "equipment fine" of $10.00 per incident. ***RSPA*** - If neither team has bases complete with pegs, and including a safe-base, a DOUBLE DEFAULT
will be declared and default fines will be assessed against BOTH teams. - For a double-header, the home team for the first game of the double-header, must place and leave the bags for both games,
if they are staying at that diamond, unless stated otherwise on the league schedule.
- The official pitching mat is the Worth WO-WSPM orange pitching mat.
Pitching mat be rubber or a wooden board. - DIMENSIONS: 24" x 36", the vee IS NOT CUT OUT and is placed to cover homeplate.
- Mat with a cut out will be allowed with cutout over homeplate and homeplate is a strike. See below.
- MATERIAL: Must be rubber or soft plastic or wood.
- WEIGHT: Must be weight/thickness not to be blown by the wind.
- Home team must supply and place a League approved pitching mat. ***RSPA***
- If home team does not have a pitching mat available, the visiting team must supply one.
- If no pitching mat is available, BOTH teams will be assessed an "equipment fine" of $10.00
for failing to supply necessary equipment.
The game will proceed, with the umpire calling balls and strikes without the aid of a mat.
Old pitching mat with the cutout may still be used, just place it over the homeplate.- The homeplate and strike zone mat/board is considered foul territory. ***NEW 2025 NSA***
- The official pitching mat is the Worth WO-WSPM orange pitching mat.
- Both teams must have and must complete League approved game score books. ***RSPA***
- Game score books are supplied by the League to the teams.
- Scoresheets must be completed and must include both teams batting orders, including substitutions.
Batting orders must include full names (first and last names). - Scoresheets should be signed by the umpire.
- Game scoresheets MUST be retained by the team and MUST be available to be handed in to the League
at the end of the regular season upon request. ***RSPA*** - Scoresheets: Teams MUST submit photo of all scoresheets for PLAYOFF games. ***RSPA***
- SHOES: NO METAL CLEATS are allowed. ***NEW 2025 RSPA***
• If batter steps in the box the batter is called OUT (not ejected from the game).
• Defensive player will be asked to leave the field until proper footwear is worn (no penalty).
• A second occurrence will result in player ejection.
• A third occurrence may result in player suspension. - UNIFORMS:
Team uniforms (matching colour shirt) WILL BE ENFORCED for 2025.
- ALL players must wear matching tops after the RSPA uniform deadline (June 15) comes in effect.
- It is recommended that uniform tops have numbers (at least 4 inches high) visible.
- It is also recommended that teams adopt a uniform pants/shorts colour.
- Coaches must also have matching tops as a minimum.
- MATCHING will be interpreted as "having the same body colour and shade and the same sleeve colour and shade".
The BODY COLOUR and SLEEVE COLOUR do NOT have to be the SAME.
Stripes will NOT be interpreted as a colour and should be ignored when determining if the uniform matches. - Uniforms may be as simple as matching colour t-shirts.
- Uniforms may be covered by outer wear in inclement weather.
- UNIFORM DEADLINE: Uniform deadline is June 15th.
- UNIFORM FINE: For any player participating (offensively or defensively) in a game that is not wearing a uniform top (after the deadline), the team will be assessed a $10 (ten dollar) fine per player to a maximum of $100 per night. ***RSPA***
- Any player not in uniform for playoff games must submit photo ID. ***RSPA***
- RECOMMENDATION: Carry extra uniform tops.
- GLOVES: All players may wear a glove or mitt of any size, including a “trapper” style glove.
- JEWELLERY: There is no jewellery rule; jewellery may be worn.
However, we strongly recommend that all jewellery be removed when playing. ***RSPA***
Section 5: Players & Substitutes
- The "standard" line-up shall be regarded as ten (10) players,
consisting of 7 males and 3 females (7M-3F). ***RSPA*** - Additional players may be added to this line-up by adding one male and one female.
ie: 8M-4F; 9M-5F or 10M-6F, etc. - A line-up may always add more females. ie: 6M-5F, 4M-6F, 3M-7F, etc.
The line-up may contain an odd number of batters.
You may add an automatic out in the batting order to bat an extra male. - No restrictions on the batting order. May bat males and females in any sequence. May bat as many males in a row as you wish.
- The line-up may not contain more than four (4) more males than females.
Exception: see rule 5-6 below. - Automatic Out:
- A team may play with only two (2) females (ie: 7M-2F or 6M-2F) with a maximum of 7 males.
- The batting order position for the missing third female will be declared an "Automatic Out".
- If the third female shows up anytime during the game, she may be inserted in that spot in the batting order, replacing the "Automatic Out".
- A team may add an "Automatic Out" in order to bat an extra male batter.
- An additional batter (male or female) may be added to the batting order, replacing an "Automatic Out",
at any point in the game, as long as the batting order remains legal with the proper male-female ratio.
- A team must field a minimum of eight (8) players to start or continue a game.
A team can start batting with less, but if required to take the field must have the minimum of eight (8) players. - Maximum ten (10) players on the field at any one time.
Maximum seven (7) males on the field at any one time. - ADDITIONAL PLAYERS:
- No maximum number of players in the batting order.
- The team must finish the game with the same number of players.
- If a player is removed from the batting order for any reason, and if there is no substitute available, an automatic out will be declared in that spot each time the player is due to bat.
- Players cannot be added to the batting order after the lead off batter has completed his second at bat.
Additional players MAY be added to the bottom of the batting order until the leadoff batter completes his second at bat. If the leadoff batter is at bat at the time of the lineup addition, the new player may take over the at bat, assuming the count. The male/female ratio must remain legal. - SUBSTITUTION:
- Starting player may be pulled from the line-up and re-entered once back in the same spot in the batting order.
- Substitutes may take the place of a starting player.
- Once a substitute has been pulled from the line-up, he/she may not re-enter the game.
- All substitutions must be reported to the umpire and the opposing team rep or scorekeeper.
- If batting more than ten (10) players, there is unlimited substitution, in and out of the defensive positions, from the players listed on the batting order as long as there is a maximum of 7 males defensively at any one time. Only players in the batting order may field.
If a team is discovered with an illegal line-up, with more than four more males than females in the batting order,
the following penalty will be applied:- an automatic out will added to the bottom of the batting order for every illegal male batter.
- if a male batter has just batted, and got on base, at the time of the discovery, that batter will be declared out.
- if a male batter is at bat or coming to bat at the time of of the discovery, that batter will be declared out.
- the umpire has the right to bring any illegal batting order to the attention of the opposing team, and apply the penalty.
- the umpire will report all instances of illegal batting orders to the league executive and further penalties will occur for second and third offences.
- a second offence will result in a one game suspension for the team rep or team coach.
- a third offence will result in game default, plus a three game suspension for the coach.
- RECOMMENDATION: Check the other team's line-up before the game starts.
- If a male batter is walked with a male batter following, he will be awarded first base only.
- If a male batter is walked with a female batter (or an automatic out for a female batter) following, he will be awarded first and second base, and the female batter has to bat.
- If a male batter is walked on a 4-0 count (4 straight balls and no strikes) with a female batter (or an automatic out for a female batter) following, he will be awarded first and second base, and the female batter has the choice of batting or a free walk. ***RSPA***
- Each team will be permitted a maximum of seven (7) courtesy runners, during each game.
- The courtesy runner can be used at any time and must be reported to the Umpire.
- Any rostered player (in uniform) from the line-up, bench, etc. may be a courtesy runner.
- Courtesy runner must be male for male, female for female or female for male.
- You MAY use the same courtesy runner more than once but not more than once in the same inning. ***NEW RSPA***
- NEW: A team pitcher on base with two out is allowed a free courtesy runner if he/she wears protective equipment to allow time to don the protective equipment. ***NEW 2025 NSA/SPN***
- MINIMUM AGE to participate is EIGHTEEN (18) as of December 31st of that year.
Underage players SIXTEEN-SEVENTEEN (16-17 actual age) will be considered with approval of the parent/guardian. Player under the age of SIXTEEN (16) will be considered on a case by case basis. ***NSA*** - Players may NOT play for more than one team in the same division for playoffs.
- RSPA requires all teams to complete the RSPA on-line roster.
This will require all players to complete their information on-line.
This will require all players to have an active email address.
All teams must also indicate which players are league players,
as opposed to players on the roster that only plays tournaments with the team.
Tournament roster may be different from league roster. - The team rep must have a copy of their team roster with them at all games,
and must produce them on demand to a League Official or League Umpire. - Roster checks will be done at the first games of all playoff series,
and for all final championship games.
Roster checks will be performed by umpires, League Executives and/or their representatives.
Roster checks may require photo proof of identification.
Any player not in uniform for playoff games must submit photo ID. - Playoff Rosters: Teams MUST submit playoff eligible roster. ***RSPA***
- Scoresheets: Teams MUST submit photo of all scoresheets for PLAYOFF games. ***RSPA***
- Roster Checks: An umpire may request a roster check for 5 games played in all playoff games. ***RSPA***
- Teams must maintain scorebooks if required to prove that a player
is playoff eligible with a minimum of 5 regular season games.
- RSPA requires all teams to complete the RSPA on-line roster.
- The official RSPA roster must be completed by May 19.
- No league roster additions will be allowed after July 1st.
- League roster additions after July 1st may be made with League approval only.
Changes will still be allowed for tournament rosters.
- ROSTER MAXIMUM: A maximum of TWENTY (20) players may be registered on the RSPA roster. ***NEW***
Exceptions allowed with League approval. - AWARDS MAXIMUM: Awards will be limited to a maximum of sixteen (16) awards per team.
- A Player must participate (be on the batting order) for a minimum of
five (5) regular season games in order to qualify for the play-offs. - A player must be on the official scoresheet.
The scoresheets must be available for verification to be allowed to participate in the play-offs. - Playoff Rosters: Teams MUST submit playoff eligible roster. ***RSPA***
- Scoresheets: Teams MUST submit photo of all scoresheets for PLAYOFF games. ***RSPA***
- Any player not in uniform for playoff games must submit photo ID. ***RSPA***
- Roster Checks: An umpire may request a roster check for 5 games played in all playoff games. ***RSPA***
- If a player does not qualify with 5 regular season games because of injury, a request may be made for an exemption.
- Teams are responsible for keeping scoresheets and must be made available to the League Executive upon request.
- A Player must participate (be on the batting order) for a minimum of
- BLOOD RULE: A player who is bleeding must tend to his/her injury and clean up the wound.
If they are unable to do so within a reasonable time, then they must be removed from the game.
Section 6: Miscellaneous
- CONDUCT: Any player, coach, manager, team representative etc. who initiates a fight, an incident, an altercation etc., will be
ejected immediately from the game and will be suspended as follows:
- MINIMUM ONE (1) GAME SUSPENSION will be imposed the FIRST time.
- MINIMUM THREE (3) GAME SUSPENSION will be imposed the SECOND time.
- Any player ejected for "UMPIRE ABUSE" will be suspended for an additional THREE (3) games.
- The League Executive will review the status of any individual who has been ejected for a SECOND TIME and will consider expulsion from the League.
- The umpire will be required to write a report on any ejection and upon review of this report, further action/suspension may be imposed by the League Executive.
- These penalties are to be viewed as an automatic ruling and are the minimums.
- Any player ejected from a game must immediately leave the park (not just the field). Failure to do so will result in the team forfeits the game and further player suspension may be imposed by the League Executive.
- Any player ejected from the game for any reason will automatically be suspended for the next scheduled game.
- Any player ejected from the game for umpire abuse will automatically be suspended for the next 3 scheduled games.
- Any player ejected from the game because of a confrontation and/or verbal abuse will be reported which may lead to possible further action/suspension to be imposed by the League Executive.
- SUSPENDED PLAYER: Any team using a SUSPENDED player, coach, manager, team representative etc., in any capacity
related to the playing of a game will forfeit that game and further penalties may be assessed. - PROTESTS:
- A one-hundred & seventy-five ($175.00) dollar protest fee must accompany each protest.
The protest fee will be refunded ONLY if the protest is upheld.
If the protest is found to be invalid, the protest fee will NOT be refunded. - Protests must be in writing and must be received by the League Executive within forty-eight (48) hours of the game completion (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays).
- The umpire and the opposing team must be notified at the time of the protest and both the umpire and the opposing team representative must sign the game score sheet.
- The protest must be made before the next legal pitch, intentional walk, or before all defensive players have left the field.
- Protests will be considered for the misinterpretation or misapplication of a rule, or for player eligibility.
- Protests will not be considered in which the umpire's judgement is questioned
(ie: a safe call, ball or strike call, fair or foul call, etc.) - CLARIFICATION OF THE APPEAL CAN BE FOUND IN THE NSA RULE BOOK.
- A one-hundred & seventy-five ($175.00) dollar protest fee must accompany each protest.
- DIVISION STANDINGS: Division standings will be set and may vary from division to division.
Standard rankings will be based on win percentage. Tier 1 divisions (and others) may be division record first.
Ties in division standings will be decided by:- Record against each other.
- Division record.
- Strength of schedule.
- Playoff formats may vary from division to division, depending on the level of ball, the number of teams, etc.
- Playoff series will always be a best of three game series whenever possible.
- Double knock-out series may use a best of two games, total run series.
In a best of two game series, an equal number of innings must be played. - In all play-off series the team with the HIGHER league standing will have the choice of FIRST game HOME/VISITOR decision. Each subsequent game will alternate HOME/VISITOR decision. If the team chooses to be home team, they must supply and place the bases.
- In playoff elimination series, teams will NOT be reranked, but will face the next team as per the playoff schedule.
Section 7: Ground Rules
- Ground rules for specific parks / diamonds should be reviewed before each game by the umpire and the team representatives.
- All ground rules are subject to change.
- Additional ground rules may be applied as a result of temporary field conditions, weather, etc.
- 1-1 count is NOT used in coed divisions. 1-1 count is used in Mens Masters division.
- Pitchers mask not mandatory (not mandatory for either NSA or SPN) but highly recommended.
- No small ball-big ball. Both male and female will bat the 12” ball.
- No restriction on male-female pitcher-catcher combination.
- No bunting. No stealing.
- Pitching arc to stay 6 to 12 feet arc.
- Bat rule to stay same RSPA (allow ASA 2004 bats; no senior bats; no wooden bats).
- Commitment line to stay as 20 feet from homeplate (not 8 feet as per NSA).
- Homerun rule – stay with match plus 2, after that it’s an OUT.

RSPA Bat Rules in Effect for 2025
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.
(Slo-Pitch National allows ONLY bats with the USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp.)

NSA Bat Rules in Effect
Updated December 28, 2024NSA Canada has adopted a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.20 or less. All bats with a BPF of 1.20 or less for the entire length of the barrel or hitting surface are approved for use in the NSA Canada Program, unless NSA Canada believes in any way, shape, or form that a particular bat is dangerous and/or not acceptable for fair and safe play. NSA Canada reserves the right to ban such equipment immediately. All bats used in NSA Canada play must be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 or less. EXCEPTION: Wooden bats do not have to be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 and may be used and are legal in all NSA Canada play if they meet the standards set forth in Rule 3, Sec. 1 a-l.

RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.

NSA/RSPA Slo-Pitch Umpire Clinic April 30, 2025
Updated February 4, 2025
NSA Umpire Information: TBA
NSA Umpire Exam - 2025
NSA Rule Book - 2025
NSA Umpire Manuals
NSA Umpire Incident Report Form
RSPA Umpire Information:
RSPA Parks and Maps
RSPA Park-Night Preference Form
RSPA umpire clinic scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 6:30 pm
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.
You will become a fully sanctioned NSA umpire, eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament in Canada.
Cost for umpire carding and accreditation is FREE FOR 2025 for RSPA umpires (must buy hat).
The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.
If you attend the RSPA umpire clinic, we will guarantee umpire bookings of at least your RSPA clinic cost
(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).
RSPA is an adult recreational, coed league, with parks in Mississauga-Etobicoke,
Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.
RSPA 2025 NEW umpire rates:
• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.

The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.

(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).

Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.

• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
Get out, get some exercise, have some fun and earn some extra cash.
Anyone wishing to become a carded umpire should contact the League.

RSPA Home - SloPitch1.com Home - Site Map
For more information about RSPA Slo-Pitch
please contact: Randy Warren
e-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA 2025 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 3 • June 7 • July 12
• August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4