RSPA F.A.Q. & Information For New Teams
Updated February 15, 2025
Q: When should I get a team organized?
A: The League contacts potential new teams and players in February-March.
• The RSPA League meeting for team reps is usually scheduled for the last Tuesday in April,
Click here for RSPA Meeting Information
• New player practices are Thursday and Sunday middle of April to first week of May. - RSPA Open Practice Information

Q: When does the season start?
A: The regular season usually starts the first week in May.

Q: How many players are on a team?
A: This varies from team to team. The minimum is usually 14 players (any less and you risk forfeiting games).
The maximum roster size is 20 players per team. However, exceptions are made if the team wishes a larger roster.

Q: How much does it cost per team?
A: RSPA is one of the least expensive leagues in the Toronto area.
The League fees are due in 3 staggered payments.
Teams must also pay to enter one of our league tournaments ($400.00).
Also teams must commit to buy a minimum of four (4) banquet tickets,
with a banquet deposit of 4 x $60 = $240, due August 1.

Q: Where does the money go?
A: RSPA is a non-profit association. All duties (except umpiring) are done on a volunteer basis. No League Executive or personnel are paid for any duties.
The money goes to: parks and permits, umpires, league registration, insurance, balls and we subsidize League activities such as the banquet, All-Star night, volleyball night, etc.

Q: How much does it cost for an individual player?
A: Once again, this varies from team to team, depending on the team sponsor, how many players they roster, uniforms, etc.
The usual player cost can vary from $150 to $250 per player, if no sponsor.
Cost per player may be higher for the season if it includes equipment, special uniforms or other social activities.
or cost per player could be as low as $100 with a team sponsor.

Q: Where are the parks?
A: The league centres itself on the Mississauga-Etobicoke border, with teams having the option of choosing their own preferred parks and nights. Click here to see Parks & Maps
Teams will not play at a park that they specify that they CANNOT play at.
There are more Mississauga parks and more Mississauga teams than Etobicoke parks and teams.

Q: What nights do we play on?
A: Games are played one night per week, single games on unlit diamonds, single games and double-headers on lit diamonds, on any scheduled night, Monday to Friday. We do give the teams the option to choose preferred parks and nights. Teams will not play on a night that they specify that they cannot play on.
All teams are required to play a minimum two (2) Friday nights.
Parks & Maps - Click here to see the map and the list of parks and nights.

Q: Do we always play on the same night?
A: YES - your team can play on one set night.
Your team will play on the same night with the following exceptions:
other than the two required Friday nights, or if you request to play more than one night.
If your team requests to play only one set night, we will accomodate your team, not counting the two Friday nights that all teams must play. Games are sometimes played on different nights, depending on your divsion and your preferred choice of nights. We do give teams the option of a set game night, and we do give the teams the option to choose preferred parks and nights, and we will try to accomodate teams as much as possible.

Q: Do we play on long weekends?
A: Friday and Monday games on holiday long weekends are optional.

Q: How many games are played in a season?
A: RSPA schedules a 16-24 game schedule, plus playoffs, and all teams make the playoffs.
Higher divisions and Friday night divisions play more games.
If you compare this to leagues that offer 24 games per season with a time limit (time limits are usually 55-65 minutes per game), compared to 16 games with no time limit (or 90 minute time limit on lit diamonds), the 16 games gives you more actual playing time. Plus, most leagues do not offer all teams qualify for the playoffs.

Q: Why do we sometimes play only one game per night?
A: All games are scheduled for a 6:30 game start, since we find that a 6:00 game start is difficult to get to with the parks being so spread out. We also have no time limit and on unlit diamonds we play a leisurely full 7 inning game, no rush, unlike most leagues who enforce a time limit of 55 to 65 minutes, and struggle to get in two complete games.

Q: What level of slo-pitch does RSPA play?
A: RSPA is a recreational level slo-pitch league. Teams range from "F" level to "D" level with the majority of the teams at "E" or "Rec" level. We have some "A" level and "B" level individual players, but slo-pitch is a team sport. Like I said, we are just "guys" and "gals" out to have fun!
RSPA has more coed teams than any other league so we have true divisions for every level of team.

Q: What level of slo-pitch is my team?
A: If your team does not know what level they are, they are usually "E" level.
"F" level is beginners or company teams.

Q: What kind of slo-pitch does RSPA play?
A: RSPA plays slo-pitch, where the pitcher pitches with a 6-12 foot arc to the opposing team.
It is not three pitch, where the pitcher pitches to his/her own team.
It is not "modified", where the pitcher is allowed to pitch fast and with no arc.

Q: What rules does RSPA use?
A: • RSPA uses modified NSA rules.
Coed: 7 males and 3 females (May play more females).
May play 7M+3F; 8M+4F; 9M+5F; 10M+6F. or may play 6M+4F; 5M+5F; etc.
No restrictions on batting sequence. Bat as many males ina row as you wish.
Standard slo-pitch 6 to 12 foot arc.
Called balls and strikes using a mat covering home-plate cut-out. Home plate is a strike.
If a male batter is walked, and is followed by a female batter, he is awarded two bases.
Female batter following has to bat, unless the male batter was walked on a 4-0 count (4 straight balls and no strikes), then the female batter has the choice of batting or a free walk.
No time limit on games on unlit diamonds. one hour and a half hour game slot on lit diamonds.
Grace period 10 minutes. Mercy rule 12 runs. Maximum 6 runs per inning.
NSA affiliated; Carded umpires; NSA insured.
Click here to see the RSPA League Rules

Q: How long has RSPA been around?
A: RSPA has been around since 1982. Originally founded as the in-house league for Zenith TV on Islington Avenue in Etobicoke, and gradually moving west into Mississauga as the diamonds became available and the players tended to move out into the suburbs. I have been president of the league since 1984 (on and off) when it was only a 4 team league.
RSPA League History

Q: Is there a minimum age?
A: Minimum age is sixteen (16) years of age. Players 16-17 years of age must have parental and league approval.

Q: What is the average age?
A: As I mentioned before, the League has been around since 1982, so we have players older than dirt. But with a new influx of players every year we have a good mix of young, medium and (instead of old, I will say) experienced players.

Q: How many females play on a team?
A: RSPA is a coed league that plays 7 males and 3 females.
A team may always play more females if they wish, (example: 6 males + 4 females; 5 males + 5 females; 4 males + 6 females; etc.) (If you ask me, some teams should be sitting the guys and playing the girls!)

Q: How many females should you carry on the roster?
A: You need a minimum of 3 females to play. A team can play with two females, but there is an automatic out. Most teams carry five female players. A female player on the roster that will only play when called out is a bonus.

Q: How many teams are in RSPA?
A: RSPA had 134 teams in 26 divisions for the 2024 slo-pitch season, which is the largest coed league in Canada!
We will be accepting new teams and new individual players on a limited basis, depending on park availability.
We have increased in size steadily for the last 20 years and we hardly ever lose a team to another league. New teams should check out what we have to offer. We must be doing something right!
We are also looking for individual players (females & couples preferred).
Click here for: New Team Info/Application | Player looking for a team Info

Q: What about umpires?
A: League costs include NSA carded umpires. We try to develop our umpires from within our own system.
Anyone wishing to umpire or wishing to learn, should contact us.
The RSPA umpire clinic is usually scheduled for the last Wednesday in April. -- RSPA Umpire page

Q: What does the League supply?
A: RSPA League costs include: NSA carded umpires, game balls, liability insurance.
We have a year-end banquet and awards dance, All-Star Night and free barbecue and 7 slo-pitch tournaments.

Q: What do the teams need to supply?
A: Each team is required to supply their own bases, including a safe-base for first base and a pitching mat or board.
Players are required to wear matching uniform tops (could be as simple as matching colour t-shirts).
Teams supply their own gloves and bats.

Q: What if my new team needs more players?
A: RSPA will supply a list of players looking for teams. We always have a ton of guys looking for a team. Female players are a little scarcer, and you may be forced to take a guy as most females are part of a couple. If you have a group of players, or half of a team. we often have similar groups looking to merge.
Roster additions may be made up to July 1. Roster additions after July 1 require League approval.

Q: What if I am a player looking for a team?
A: Contact us and we will put you on the list of players looking for teams.
We do have teams that are looking for players.
New Player Info | New Player FAQ

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments 2025
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4
Coed (6M-4F) D, E, F • Mens D, E • Mens Masters 50+, 60+
• Mens D & E, Coed D, Coed E-1 get minimum 4 scheduled games.• 2nd place prize almost ALL divisions!

NEW Association: NSA
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
Parks: Mississauga-Etobicoke • Entry Fee $400

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments
Tournament Flyer
Tournament Info 2025
Tournament Parks/Map • Tournament Rules PDF • Tournament F.A.Q.
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: accent@slopitch1.com • Cell 416-930-6124
Tournament Parks/Map • Tournament Rules PDF • Tournament F.A.Q.
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: accent@slopitch1.com • Cell 416-930-6124
Team Rep Appreciation Gift & Appreciation Draw For New Bat! • 2nd Place Prizes!

NSA/RSPA Slo-Pitch Umpire Clinic April 30, 2025
Updated February 4, 2025
NSA Umpire Information: TBA
NSA Umpire Exam - 2025
NSA Rule Book - 2025
NSA Umpire Manuals
NSA Umpire Incident Report Form
RSPA Umpire Information:
RSPA Parks and Maps
RSPA Park-Night Preference Form
RSPA umpire clinic scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 6:30 pm
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.
You will become a fully sanctioned NSA umpire, eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament in Canada.
Cost for umpire carding and accreditation is FREE FOR 2025 for RSPA umpires (must buy hat).
The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.
If you attend the RSPA umpire clinic, we will guarantee umpire bookings of at least your RSPA clinic cost
(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).
RSPA is an adult recreational, coed league, with parks in Mississauga-Etobicoke,
Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.
RSPA 2025 NEW umpire rates:
• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.

The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires. You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.

(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).

Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.

• $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: All Saturday, one-day.
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4.
Get out, get some exercise, have some fun and earn some extra cash.
Anyone wishing to become a carded umpire should contact the League.

RSPA Home - SloPitch1.com Home - Site Map
For more information about RSPA Slo-Pitch
please contact: Randy Warren
e-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA 2025 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 3 • June 7 • July 12
• August 16 • Sept 13 • Sept 27 • Oct 4