It is with mixed emotions that I announce that RSPA League and RSPA tournaments are switching to NSA for 2025.
I have been with SPN from the beginning, even before the beginning, but times change and we must change to move forward.
I am proud to bring RSPA to NSA, to bring NSA to the GTA and even to bring the GTA to NSA.
There should be nothing bad said about either organization.
I admire both associations for what they have done to promote the game of slo-pitch.
We are working on what rules we will adopt, but RSPA rules will be RSPA rules.
With the merge of SPN & SPOA and the new harmonized rules, they are not so different.
I welcome all team reps, players and umpires to join me on this journey.
What's New NSA
Team Rep Appreciation Gift & Appreciation Draw For New Bat!
RSPA Open Practice for New Players 2025
Updated February 5, 2025 RSPA Coed Slo-Pitch League (7M-3F) holds open practices for new players trying to find a
COED team or a MENS MASTERS 50+ REC/INT team in Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• RSPA Coed plays 7M-3F, Monday to Friday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke, all levels F to D (maybe C).
• RSPA plays Mens Masters 50+ Rec/Int on Wednesday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• Email
if you wish to attend the new player practice.
(Coed teams usually looking for females, couples and high level males ONLY).
Can almost guarantee spots for female players.
2025 Sunday morning practices are Sunday morning 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (weather permitting)
• Sunday, April 13 • Sunday, April 20 • Sunday, April 27 • Sunday, May 4.
2025 Thursday night practices are Thursday night 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (weather permitting)
• Thursday, April 17 • Thursday, April 24 • Thursday, May 1.
• Check the RSPA Open Practice Info
Please note that I will be out of the country (and in a different time zone)
from March 25 to April 26 and may be slow in responding. DO NOT CALL.
I will try to answer emails as expediently as possible.
Updated January 2, 2025 All rules and information may change as a result of the switch to NSA.
• Can anybody enter a slo-pitch team in an RSPA slo-pitch tournament?
Anybody can enter a team in an RSPA slo-pitch tournament, with the following conditions:
• Team must be registered with RSPA.
• Registration must be done on-line or by email prior to the team being confirmed and/or put on the schedule.
• Players must be 16 years of age or older.
- Players 16-17 must have written parental consent:
Parental consent form • Team does NOT have to be registered in any league.
• What level or what divisions are offered?
RSPA offers division from D to E, and Coed F (or Fun division).
(Most tournaments offer only D and E divisions.)
• RSPA is the only tournament offering true Coed F in every tournament.
• RSPA has the most coed teams so we get more true divisions in the tournament.
• Most teams would be considered an E level team (if you don't know what level you are, you are probably E).
• Levels A to C are very good (better than you think you are).
• RSPA tournament coed divisions are now all 6M-4F.
• RSPA always offers a coed F division 6M-4F, and occassionally coed F 7M-3F.
What level or what division is my team?
If you don't know what level your team is, you are probably Coed E or Mens E.
What rules are used for slo-pitch tournaments?
Tournament rules are up to the tournament convenor, but most conveners stay close to standard rules -
• RSPA tournament coed divisions are 6M-4F; in the field two more males than females; bat max 2 males in a row. (bat up to 8M-4F)
• RSPA tournaments uses a pitching mat (or board) with the homeplate NOT cut-out and covering homeplate. Homeplate is a strike.
• RSPA tournaments do not use the 175 foot rule.
• Minimum 10 players (RSPA allows 9 players with no automatic out).
• Courtesy Runners: maximum SEVEN courtesy runners, cannot be the same runner twice. Exception: Masters 50+/60+ division.
• Rules will vary for summer slo-pitch tournaments and winter sno-pitch and fall ball tournaments.
The NSA Official Slo-Pitch Rule Book is available at:
NSA Rulebook RSPA Tournament Rules web page RSPA Tournament Rules PDF
Where are the games held?
Tournament headquarters for RSPA tournaments is TBA for 2025.
Parks will be close to HQ if possible.
The bigger the tournament, the more parks will be used and further from HQ.
Tournament map of parks
What parks are used?
Because the RSPA tournaments are the largest tournaments in the GTA, we have to use a lot of diamonds.
Parks include: Centennial Park, Max Ward, West Deane, Eringate, Fleetwood, Garnetwood, Dunton, Brickyard, etc.
As the tournament gets larger, we widen out to include Oaul Coffey, Mount Charles, Mississauga Valley, etc.
Higher divisions such as Coed D and Mens D will usually be at Max Ward, Brickyard or Centennial Park.
Tournament map of parks
What about balls?
Balls will be supplied by the tournament.
The official NSA ball is currently the Louisville Slugger NSA Canada 12"
COR.52/300 Softball Optic Yellow- LSSB52CALYL.
What about bases?
Bases and strike zone mat (or board) will be supplied by the tournament,
including a safe-base for first base.
What about uniforms?
Uniforms are NOT mandatory for most tournaments, including RSPA tournaments.
Most Provincial and World Championships require uniform tops and may require uniform tops with numbers.
What are the awards?
Tournament supplied awards for division first place change every year.
Usually hoodies.
Second place awards are up to the convenor, but with a division of 6-8 teams or greater is usually t-shirts or hats.
Larger tournaments offer prizes for 3rd and 4th place, if the division of 8-12 teams or greater fills.
Other Prizes? Team Rep Appreciation Draw.
RSPA tournaments give away more draw prizes and
team rep appreciation gifts than any other tournament.
Every team rep is automatically entered in the Team Rep Appreciation draw.
A new bat or wheeled bat bag is drawn for at every RSPA summer tournament.
ALSO - any team that comes back to headquarters is entered in the individual player draws for
prizes, bats, sweaters, tees, etc.
How does a team enter the RSPA tournament?
All RSPA tournaments are entered by registering on line on the website.
Complete instructions on How To Enter An RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournament.
Also how to submit your tournament event roster and how to revise your event roster once submitted.
How To Enter An SPN Slo-Pitch Tournament
When does the roster need to be submitted by?
The online roster needs to be submitted and completed by the Tuesday before the tournament,
so that it may be checked for level of play.
Usually your team will initially be emailed game info (time and park) for the first game only by Thursday noon.
The other scheduled games will be emailed and posted on-line usually by Friday morning. Early or late start time: A team can request an early or late start or an early finish.
With a one-day tournament, game start times are earlier and go later in the day.
Game slots are one hour and 15 minutes, with a usual first schedule start at either 8:00 am or 9:15 am.
If your division is guaranteed 4 scheeduled games it will usually start at 8:00 am.
Usual schedule will be game, game off, game, two games off, game.
Or game, two games off, game, game off, game.
Sometimes your team will be scheduled back to back games so carefully check the schedule for all your games. It is your responsibility to check the game times and parks.
For one day tournaments, schedule will ususlly be posted at the diamond (or diamonds) that you are scheduled for. Do not call me or the headquarters for your game schedule!
What is check-in?
After each game?
What if we are short a girl or a guy?
If your team is short a girl or a guy, your team may play with nine players with no automatic out.
I usually have a list of players looking for a team to play on.
If you have any questions that are not answered here, or for more info -
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 20 • Sept 27
Coed (6M-4F) D, E, F • Mens D, E • Mens Masters 50+, 60+
• Mens D & E, Coed D, Coed E-1 get minimum 4 scheduled games.
• 2nd place prize almost ALL divisions!
NEW Association: NSA
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6
• map (at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
Parks: Mississauga-Etobicoke • Entry Fee $400
RSPA umpire clinic scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 6:30 pm
LOCATION: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6
• map (at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
RSPA needs NSA carded umpires for recreational coed slo-pitch league and tournaments.
We will train and card. You will be eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament.
You will become a fully sanctioned NSA umpire, eligible to umpire any NSA league or tournament in Canada.
Cost for umpire carding and accreditation is TBA and includes: TBA
The RSPA umpire clinic is free.
NSA umpire carding is FREE for 2025 for all RSPA umpires.
You must pay for the NSA umpire hat.
If you attend the RSPA umpire clinic, we will guarantee umpire bookings of at least your RSPA clinic cost
(we cannot guarantee parks or nights).
RSPA is an adult recreational, coed league, with parks in Mississauga-Etobicoke,
Monday to Friday, weekend tournaments available.
RSPA 2025 umpire rates: TENTATIVE • $50 for a single game (no time limit);
• $90 for a double-header with time limit (starting 8:00/8:30 pm);
• $105 for a double header with no time limit (starting 6:30/7:30 pm);
• $150 for a triple-header (6:30 pm to 11:00 pm).
TOURNAMENT: $35 per game (usually 1:15 game slot) Saturday only one-day tournament.
Tournament Dates 2025: May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 20 • Sept 27 • All Saturday, one-day.
Get out, get some exercise, have some fun and earn some extra cash.
Anyone wishing to become a carded umpire should contact the League.
Contact Randy Warren,
RSPA Open Practice for New Players 2025
Updated November 5, 2024 RSPA Coed Slo-Pitch League (7M-3F) holds open practices for new players trying to find a
COED team or a MENS MASTERS 50+ REC/INT team in Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• RSPA Coed plays 7M-3F, Monday to Friday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke, all levels F to D (maybe C).
• RSPA plays Mens Masters 50+ Rec/Int on Wednesday nights, Mississauga-Etobicoke.
• Email
if you wish to attend the new player practice.
(Coed teams usually looking for females, couples and high level males ONLY).
Can almost guarantee spots for female players.
2025 Sunday morning practices are Sunday morning 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (weather permitting)
• Sunday, April 13 • Sunday, April 20 • Sunday, April 27 • Sunday, May 4.
2025 Thursday night practices are Thursday night 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (weather permitting)
• Thursday, April 17 • Thursday, April 24 • Thursday, May 1.
• Check the RSPA Open Practice Info
before leaving. If it is not updated, then I will be there.
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.
(Slo-Pitch National allows ONLY bats with the USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp.)
NSA Bat Rules in Effect
Updated December 28, 2024 NSA Canada has adopted a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.20 or less. All bats with a BPF of
1.20 or less for the entire length of the barrel or hitting surface are approved for use in the NSA Canada
Program, unless NSA Canada believes in any way, shape, or form that a particular bat is dangerous and/or
not acceptable for fair and safe play. NSA Canada reserves the right to ban such equipment immediately. All
bats used in NSA Canada play must be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 or less.
EXCEPTION: Wooden bats do not have to be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 and may be used and are legal in all
NSA Canada play if they meet the standards set forth in Rule 3, Sec. 1 a-l.
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.