RSPA Tournament Parks & Maps Mississauga-Etobicoke
Updated February 6, 2025Click on park for map and directions. For downloadable/printable PDF map RSPA_TournamentMap.pdf

Alphabetical List of RSPA Tournament Parks
Updated February 2, 2025Click on park for map and directions. For downloadable/printable PDF map TournamentParks.pdf
Park | AB | Address / Comments |
HEADQUARTERS | star | NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill;
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6
• map
(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds) |
Brickyard Park | BY | 3061 Clayhill Road; east of Mavis Road; north of Dundas Street West; fenced; lit. |
Centennial Park | CP | 256 Centennial Park Rd M9C 5N3, north of Rathburn, west of Renforth; |
Dunton Park | DUN | Kennedy Road, west side, north of Hwy 401; diamond #1 is big, close diamond, to the left; diamond #2 is the far diamond to the left; diamond #4 is diamond on the right, next to the parking lot; diamond #3 is the far diamond, past diamond #4. |
Fleetwood Park | FW | Burnhamthorpe Road, south side; west of Mill Road, east of Dixie; softball diamond at the front; lit; fenced 225'; hardball diamond at the back, lit, fenced. |
Forest Glen | FGL | Forest Glen Park is located at Glen Forest Secondary School, 3575 Fieldgate Drive, Mississauga, ON L4X 1V5 East side of Fieldgate Drive, south off of Burnhamthorpe Road, or north of Bloor Street; one unlit diamond, unfenced. |
Garnetwood Park | GW | Burnhamthorpe Road, north side; west of Mill Road, east of Dixie; across from Fleetwood Park;
GW-1: is the small softball diamond at the front; fenced; unlit; GW-2: is the large hardball diamond back and to the left; fenced; unlit. |
Max Ward Park | MX | Matheson Blvd, north side, just west of Orbitor Drive, north of Eglinton; west of Renforth; two diamonds; both lit; fenced 315 feet; diamond #2 is south diamond, closest to Matheson, by the parking lot; diamond #1 is far, north diamond. For access to north diamond, park in the parking lot behind 5250 Orbitor Drive (Lakeside Process Controls - big white building), and walk through the walkway in the fence. |
Mississauga Valley | MV | Mississauga Valley Boulevard, west off of Central Parkway; just north of Bloor Street, between Cawthra & Hwy 10; parking lot take the driveway west behind the arena; diamond #1 is the hardball diamond in the center; diamond #2 is lit diamond to the east, fenced 225'. |
Mount Charles | MC | Cardiff Blvd., north side, north off Derry Road, west of Dixie Road; 2 lit diamonds (North and South); fenced 225'. |
Paul Coffey Park | PC | 3430 Derry Road East,South-west corner of Derry Road at Goreway (Disco Road); behind Malton Arena; take 427 north to Derry Road, take Derry Road west; 2 lit diamonds, one fenced; Dia #1 is far diamond, lit, unfenced; Dia #2 is close diamond, lit, fenced 225'. |
West Deane Park | WD | Martin Grove Road, west side, between Eglinton & Rathburn; 2 diamonds, diamond #1 or L is south-east, lit diamond; diamond #2 is far, small, unlit diamond. |

Maps to GTA Parks and Diamonds
For a more complete map of all area parks:Mississauga - Etobicoke - All GTA (including: Brampton, Niagara Falls, Scarborough, Markham, etc.)

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments 2025
May 3 • June 7 • July 5 • July 19 • August 16 • Sept 20 • Sept 27
Coed (6M-4F) D, E, F • Mens D, E • Mens Masters 50+, 60+
• Mens D & E, Coed D, Coed E-1 get minimum 4 scheduled games.• 2nd place prize almost ALL divisions!

NEW Association: NSA
NEW Headquarters: The Bull Pub & Grill
2800 Skymark Ave, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 • map(at Commerce Court, north side of Eglinton, by the McDonalds)
Parks: Mississauga-Etobicoke • Entry Fee $400

RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments
Tournament Flyer
Tournament Info 2025
Tournament F.A.Q.
Tournament Parks/Map
Tournament Rules PDF
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: accent@slopitch1.com • Cell 416-930-6124
Tournament schedule will be posted at: TournamentSchedule.pdf
Randy Warren — e-mail preferred: accent@slopitch1.com • Cell 416-930-6124
Team Rep Appreciation Gift & Appreciation Draw For New Bat! • 2nd Place Prizes!

RSPA Bat Rules in Effect for 2025
RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.
(Slo-Pitch National allows ONLY bats with the USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp.)

NSA Bat Rules in Effect
Updated December 28, 2024NSA Canada has adopted a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.20 or less. All bats with a BPF of 1.20 or less for the entire length of the barrel or hitting surface are approved for use in the NSA Canada Program, unless NSA Canada believes in any way, shape, or form that a particular bat is dangerous and/or not acceptable for fair and safe play. NSA Canada reserves the right to ban such equipment immediately. All bats used in NSA Canada play must be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 or less. EXCEPTION: Wooden bats do not have to be stamped with a BPF of 1.20 and may be used and are legal in all NSA Canada play if they meet the standards set forth in Rule 3, Sec. 1 a-l.

RSPA will continue to allow BOTH the USSSA compliance mark & ASA 2004 stamp on approved bats.
All RSPA approved bats must carry the "NEW" USSSA ("thumbprint") stamp and/or the ASA 2004 logo.

SloPitch1.com Home - RSPA Home - Site Map
For more information about SloPitch1.com
please contact: Randy Warren
e-mail: accent@slopitch1.com
RSPA 2025 Slo-Pitch Tournaments
All tournaments tentatively Saturday one-day.Saturday, May 3 • June 7 • July 12
• August 16 • September 20 • September 27