Game Over - 2208 League Champions
Bats - Int-5-Tu Division winners
Comp: Game Over; photo
Int-1: S&M Flyers;
Int-2: Screwballz;
Int-3: Scared Hitless;
Int-4: Strone Restorations;
Int-W-1: Ball Snatchers;
Int-5-M: Mississauga Manglers;
Int-5-Tu: Bats; photo
Int-W-2: Channel 4 News;
Int-6-Th: Big Red Machine;
Int-6-M: Drunken Rookies;
Int-6-Tu: Tuxedo Tees;
Int-7-W: BDO Ballbreakers;
Int-7-Th: Sauga Bulldogs;
Rec-Mon: Master Batters;
Rec-Tue: Priszm (Area 101);
Rec-Wed: Vandelay;
Rec-Thu: DB Dodgers;
send in your team photo and I will add it;
Week 22: September 29-October 3, 2008 Click park name for map
| Day
| Date
| Park
| Time
| Visitors
| W/L
| Home
| W/L
| Score
| Umpire
| Mon
| Sept 29
| Meadowvale-3
| 6:30
| 2nd Campus
| L
| 1st Master Batters
| W
| 17-23
| BrianB
| Mon
| Sept 29
| Meadowvale-3
| 8:00
| 1st Master Batters
| W
| 2nd Campus
| L
| 19-12
| BrianB
| Rec-Mon Playoffs Finals: 1st Master Batters beats 2nd Campus to win the Rec-Mon division title;
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-N
| 6:30
| 2nd 427 Fury (TH)
| L
| 1st Bats (TH)
| W
| 12-13
| BrianB
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-N
| 8:00
| 1st Bats (TH)
| W
| 2nd 427 Fury (TH)
| L
| 12-11
| BrianB
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-N
| 9:30
| 2nd 427 Fury (TH)
| L
| 1st Bats (TH)
| W
| 6-7
| BrianB
| Int-5-Tu Playoffs Finals: 1st Bats fights back to beat 2nd 427 Fury in 3 very close games and extra innings to win the division title;
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-S
| 6:30
| 2nd Energy Elite (TH)
| W
| 1st Priszm/Area 101 (TH)
| L
| 9-7
| JoelM
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-S
| 8:00
| 1st Priszm/Area 101 (TH)
| W
| 2nd Energy Elite (TH)
| L
| 13-10
| JoelM
| Tue
| Sept 30
| Max Ward-S
| 9:30
| 2nd Energy Elite (TH)
| L
| 1st Priszm/Area 101 (TH)
| W
| 6-14
| JoelM
| Rec-Tue Playoffs Finals: 1st Priszm/Area 101 takes 3 games to beat 2nd Energy Elite to win the Rec-Tue division title;
| Wed
| Oct 1
| Max Ward-N
| 6:30
| 2nd Vandelay
| W
| 1st Kubs
| L
| 9-8
| AndyB
| Rec-Wed Playoffs Finals: 2nd Vandelay wins a close game 3 over 1st Kubs to win the Rec-Wed division title;
| Wed
| Oct 1
| Max Ward-S
| 6:30
| 5th S&M Flyers (TH)
| W
| 2nd Mixed Nutz (TH)
| L
| 13-12
| RobO
| Wed
| Oct 1
| Max Ward-S
| 8:00
| 2nd Mixed Nutz (TH)
| W
| 5th S&M Flyers (TH)
| L
| 18-11
| RobO
| Wed
| Oct 1
| Max Ward-S
| 9:30
| 5th S&M Flyers (TH)
| W
| 2nd Mixed Nutz (TH)
| L
| 25-8
| RobO
| Int-1 Playoffs Finals: 5th S&M Flyers takes 3 games to beat 2nd Mixed Nutz to win the Int-1 division title;
| Thu
| Oct 2
| Max Ward-N
| 7:30
| 4th Game Over (DH)
| L
| 1st Cardinals (DH)
| Comp Finals
| Thu
| Oct 2
| Max Ward-N
| 9:00
| 1st Cardinals (DH)
| L
| 4th Game Over (DH)
| Comp Finals
| Comp Finals: 4th Game Over beats 1st Cardinals to win the RSPA Comp Championship;
| Fri
| Oct 3
| Max Ward-S
| 6:30
| Mississauga Manglers (TH)
| 1st Skidmarks (TH)
| Int-5M Finals game 1
| RobO
| Fri
| Oct 3
| Max Ward-S
| 8:00
| 1st Skidmarks (TH)
| Mississauga Manglers (TH)
| Int-5M Finals game 2
| RobO
| Fri
| Oct 3
| Max Ward-S
| 9:30
| Mississauga Manglers (TH)
| 1st Skidmarks (TH)
| Int-5M Finals game 3 if nec
| Int-5M Playoffs Finals: Mississauga Manglers takes 3 games to beat Skidmarks to win the Int-5M division title;
| The RSPA 2008 season ends;
RSPA 2008 League Standings & Divisions
RSPA Parks:
| Park Name
| Location
| City
| Map
| BL | Bloorlea School
| East Mall, east side, at north-east corner of Bloor Street and East Mall;
| Etobicoke | map
| CP-2 | Centennial Park #3
| Centennial Park Road, west side (south parking lot); north off of Rathburn, one block west of Renforth;
| Etobicoke | map
| CC | Century City Park
| Terry Fox Drive, east side, north off of Eglinton, west of Mavis Road;
| Mississauga | map
| CV | City View Park
| Central Parkway, north side; at Grand Parkway; west of Hwy 10; one block east of Mavis;
| Mississauga | map
| DB | Diamond Beach
| Centennial Park Boulevard (beside Mini Indy); one block west of Centennial Park and Centennial Park Drive, two blocks west of Renforth, north off of Rathburn, south of Eglinton;
| Etobicoke | map
| DUN | Dunton Park
| Kennedy Road, west side, just north of the Hwy 401 (no Kennedy ramp to 401); diamond #1 is close diamond (lit), to the left; diamond #2 is the far diamond (lit) to the left;
| Mississauga | map
| FW | Fleetwood Park
| Burnhamthorpe Road, south side; east of Dixie Road; west of Mill Road; near Etobicoke-Mississauga border; close, fenced diamond; lit; diamond closest to the street;
| Mississauga | map
| FW | Garnetwood Park
| Burnhamthorpe Road, NORTH side; (across the street from Fleetwood Park); east of Dixie Road; west of Mill Road; near Etobicoke-Mississauga border; unlit; diamond;
| Mississauga | map
| KNP | Knotty Pine Park
| Knotty Pine Ave, runs west off of Mavis Road, 4 or 5 blocks north of Derry Road, just south of Hwy 407; unlit;
| Mississauga | map
| MX | Max Ward Park
| Matheson Blvd, north side, just west of Orbitor Drive, north of Eglinton; west of Renforth; diamond #1 is north (far) diamond; diamond #2 is south diamond closest to the parking lot; lit; fenced;
| Mississauga | map
| MVL | Meadowvale Sports Park
| On Meadowvale Blvd, north side, west off Mississauga Road, two blocks north of the 401; lit;
MVL-2 is diamond #2 (Thursday nights);
MVL-3 is diamond #3 - (Monday nights); take Meadowvale Blvd to Rapistan Court; to the end of the street, parking lot; walk through the trees to diamond #3;
| Mississauga | map
| MIM | Mimico Park
| Hillside Street and George Street, one block east of Royal York; take Hillside east off of Royal York; 4 blocks north of Lakeshore; unlit;
| Etobicoke | map
| MV | Mississauga Valley Park
| Mississauga Valley Boulevard, south side; west off of Central Parkway; just north of Bloor Street, between Cawthra & Hwy 10;
parking lot behind the building to your right;
MV-2 is diamond #2 is lit diamond, (Thursday, Friday); straight ahead, slightly to the left;
MV-3 is diamond #3, unlit, way back, take path to the right, past the picnic area;
| Mississauga | map
| MC | Mount Charles Park
| Cardiff Blvd., north side, north off Derry Road,
west of Dixie Road - 2 lit diamonds ;
| Mississauga | map
| OL | Ourland Park
| Ourland Park is on Avenue, south off of Evans, or north off of Judson, east of Islington Avenue; lit diamond;
| Etobicoke | map
| PL | Parklawn Park.
| Berry Road, north side, just west of Park Lawn, east of Prince Edward Drive, south of the Queensway; lit diamond; Wednesday night; | Etobicoke | map
| RM | Raymore Park.
| Raymore Drive, east off Scarlett Road, just south of Lawrence; Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur; | Etobicoke | map
| SH | Silverhill Park
| Lynnford Drive, south side, west off of East Mall, south of Bloor, north of Dundas; Tuesday;
| Etobicoke | map
| SF | Smithfield Park
| Martingrove Road, east side, north of Albion, south of Steeles and 407; lit diamond; Monday; Tuesday; Thursday; | Etobicoke | map
| SYN | Syntex Green Park
| Syntex Court, north off of Derry Road, west of Mississauga Road, north of Hwy 401; | Mississauga | map
| WD-L | West Deane Park
| Martingrove Road, west side; south of Eglinton; north of Rathburn Road;
diamond "-L" or diamond #1 is lit diamond, closest to the street;
diamond #2 is far, unlit diamond;
| Etobicoke | map
| WP | Wildwood Park
| Derry Road, south-west corner of Goreway Drive / Disco Road; take 427 north to Derry Road, take Derry Road west;
the park is behind the Malton arena (use the arena parking lot to get into the park). The parks are not visible from the street;
2 lit diamonds, one fenced; WP-1 is far unfenced diamond; WP-2 is close, fenced diamond;
| Mississauga | map
| WW | Wellesworth Park
| Wellesworth Avenue, west off the West Mall; or south off Eringate, east of Renforth Drive;
| Etobicoke | map
| LAV | Lavington Park
| Lavington Drive, east off Martingrove Road, south of Dixon Road (not on main map); 3 diamonds;
(also known as Martingrove Gardens Park); practice only;
| Etobicoke | map
For Park maps and complete directions, refer to
RSPA Parks & Maps
For more information about R.S.P.A.,
please contact: Randy Warren
Recreational Slo-Pitch Association
8 Buxton Court, Brampton, Ontario L6Z 3H9
e-mail: (e-mail preferred)
Alternate e-mail: alternate e-mail (e-mail preferred)
RSPA Slo-Pitch Home Page
| RSPA 2008 League Standings
RSPA League Rules
| RSPA Parks & Maps Home Page
| St. Louis Slo-Pitch Teams - Coed; Mens; Mens Masters
RSPA Slo-Pitch Tournaments June 7-8 & July 26-27 & August 9-10, 2008
This page was last updated October 4, 2008
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